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Learning objects lost in the network
Wojcik, Joanna and Rataj, Malgorzata

Published21 October 2020
Conference2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), Sweden
CountryPoland, Europe

Most leading universities are using various elements of distance learning. Preparation of high-quality educational materials for the needs of studies, courses and training still consumes the majority of financial resources allocated by institutions for activities in the field of distance learning. The lack of a well-thought-out e-learning strategy for the creation of knowledge resources is a barrier that hinders the sharing of knowledge between training institutions - such as universities, schools and training companies - from various sectors of education, business and administration. This results in a waste of resources, as institutions invest repeatedly in creating the same content. An attempt to solve this problem has led to the development of the concept of learning objects - independent components of e-learning courses that can be used in various distance learning environments and in various educational contexts. The authors of this article have examined whether there is a chance to create an internal university repository of teaching materials that university employees can use. This research is the result of 21 years of work on implementing e-learning at the European University. During research on learning objects, experience was gained from universities in the Netherlands (Open University of the Netherlands, University of Twente), Canada (Athabasca University) and the USA (California State University, Brigham Young University).

Keywords learning objects · units of learning · repository of educational content · e-learning

Rights2020, IEEE
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