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MORF: The MOOC Replication Framework
Educational Technology Collective [corporate]

Type of workPlatform
PublisherUniversity of Michigan School of Information, University of Pennsylvania Center for Learning Analytics, Duke University
CountryUnited States, North America

The MOOC Replication Framework (MORF) is a framework that facilitates the replication of previously published findings across multiple data sets. It facilitates the construction and evaluation of end-to-end pipelines from raw data to evaluation. MORF is designed to ensure the seamless integration of new findings as new research is conducted or new hypotheses are generated, and to support the generation of novel research in the learning sciences.

MORF is a joint project between the etc lab at the University of Michigan School of Information the University of Pennsylvania Center for Learning Analytics, and Duke University.

Keywords mooc · educational data mining · EDM · replication · framework · API

RightsMIT License
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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The MOOCs’ (R)evolution. A policy framework analysis at a European level
Rosa, Rosanna De; Reda, Valentina
Academic institutions all over the world, as well as active stakeholders in the field of education and supporting services, are exploring Moocs to try and understand how learning and teaching environments are changing, ...
Match: framework; mooc

MOOCs as “semicommons” in the knowledge commons framework
The commons approach to knowledge governance is an increasingly popular and successful model for mediating and explaining the ways in which knowledge producers and users, institutions, and shared information resources, ...
Match: framework; mooc

Towards a conceptual framework to scaffold self-regulation in a MOOC
Sambe, Gorgoumack; Bouchet, François; Labat, Jean-Marc; M. F. Kebe, Cheikh; et al.
MOOCs are part of the ecosystem of self-learning for which self-regulation is one of the pillars. Weakness of self-regulation skills is one of the key factors that contribute to dropout in a MOOC. We present a ...
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Quality Assurance Guidelines for Open Educational Resources: TIPS framework
Kawachi, Paul
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Establishing a MOOC quality assurance framework - a case study
Poce, Antonella; Amenduni, Francesca; Re, Maria Rosaria; De Medio, Carlo
The rapidly growing number of learning materials and repositories makes the issue of how to find the most relevant and best quality resources to be integrated in teaching and learning offers. Thus, effective quality ...
Match: framework

Driving student motivation in MOOCs through a conceptual activity-motivation framework
Khalil, Mohammad; Ebner, Martin
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) require students’ commitment and engagement to earn the completion, certified or passing status. This study presents a conceptual Learning Analytics Activity-Motivation framework ...
Match: framework

The Impact of OER’s Continuous Improvement Cycles on Students’ Performance: A Longitudinal Analysis of the RISE Framework
Castellanos-Reyes, Daniela; Camargo Salamanca, Sandra Liliana; Wiley, David
Open educational resources (OER) have been praised for revolutionizing education. However, practitioners and instructors battle keeping OER updated and measuring their impact on students’ performance. Few studies have ...
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Produção de recursos educacionais abertos com foco na disseminação do conhecimento: Uma proposta de framework
Zancanaro, Airton
O movimento openness trata o conhecimento como um bem público, e os Recursos Educacionais Abertos (REAs), por sua vez, têm a intenção de promover a qualidade do ensino e levar a inovação para dentro do sistema ...
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National OER Framework
Paul Stacey describes the work he has done with the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization to promote the use and development of OER at a Pan-Arab level to institutions, teachers and ...
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Learning challenges: A framework and practical applications for assessment of deeper learning in online learning communities
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The Open Education movement has liberated large amounts of high-quality content and enabled the development of peer learning communities that make use of this content in various forms. in order to legitimize the ...
Match: framework