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Towards a conceptual framework to scaffold self-regulation in a MOOC
Sambe, Gorgoumack · Bouchet, François · Labat, Jean-Marc

PublishedJanuary 2018
ConferenceInnovation and Interdisciplinary Solutions for Underserved Areas
SeriesLecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering
Volume 204, Pages 245-256
PublisherSpringer International Publishing
EditorsM. F. Kebe, Cheikh · Gueye, Assane · Ndiaye, Ababacar
CountryFrance, Europe

MOOCs are part of the ecosystem of self-learning for which self-regulation is one of the pillars. Weakness of self-regulation skills is one of the key factors that contribute to dropout in a MOOC. We present a conceptual framework to promote self-regulated learning in a MOOC. This framework relies on the use of a virtual companion to provide metacognitive prompts and a visualization of indicators. The aim of this system will not only be to improve the quality of learning on the MOOC but also to help reducing attrition.

Keywords dropout · meta-cognition · MOOC · self-learning · self-regulation · virtual companion

Published atCham
Rights© ICST Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 2018
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