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Open, transferable and technology-enabled educational resources project: OTTER project final report
Witthaus, Gabi and Williamson, Heather

PublishedApril 2010
JournalJoint Information Systems Committee
Pages 1–40

This research report is based on data gathered from staff, students and senior managers at the University of Leicester and students from the University College of Falmouth, as well as Librarians in the East Midlands on their views on Open Educational Resources (OERs). The research was part of the Open Transferable Technology-enabled Educational Resources (OTTER) project, one of the JISC and Higher Education Academy funded institutional projects on OERs at the University of Leicester. OTTER enabled the evaluation of systems and processes designed to support individuals, teams and departments at the University of Leicester to release high-quality open educational resources (OERs) for free access, reuse and repurposing by others under an appropriate open license.

Keywords case study · digital divide · higher education · institutional policy · OpenCourseWare

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