Open educational practices and resources based on social software: UTPL experience
Published | July 2009 |
Conference | 2009 Ninth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT) |
Country | Latvia |
Open Educational Practices and Resources are a direct response to privatization of knowledge; they promote their exchange across the world with the aim of increasing human intellectual capacity. In this document we will discuss the Open Educational Practices and Resources Movement and the notion that knowledge is a public good where technology in general, and specifically Web 2.0, provide an extraordinary opportunity for people to acquire key competences in a knowledge society while they share, use, and re-use digital contents. We will describe the key function of tools and services based on Social Software in the Web 2.0 environment in the OERs production, based on experiences gained at the Universidad T cnica Particular de Loja (Ecuador). Moreover, we describe the commitment of the University to the promotion of open educational practices and resources and their impact on society and knowledge economy. This is accomplished through the use of Social Software as a potential key to producing changes in the actual production model, moving from a hierarchical transfer of knowledge from the teacher to a new range of open and collaborative educational practices centered on the student.Keywords | collaborative learning · reuse · social software · web 2.0 |
Published at | Riga |
Language | eng |
DOI | 10.1109/ICALT.2009.224 |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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OER development and promotion. Outcomes of an international research project on the OpenCourseWare model
Tovar, Edmundo; Piedra, Nelson; Chicaiza, Janneth; Lopez, Jorge; Martinez-Bonastre, Oscar
In this paper, we describe the successful results of an international research project focused on the use of Web technology in the educational context. The article explains how this international project, funded by ...
Match: piedra, nelson; chicaiza, janneth; tovar, edmundo; web 2.0
OER recommendation for entrepreneurship using a framework based on social network analysis
Lopez-Vargas, Jorge; Piedra, Nelson; Chicaiza, Janneth; Tovar, Edmundo
In these days, much of the information published on the Web is published on social media, represented through social networks such as Facebook or Twitter, to name only the most prominent. Each of the media and social ...
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Using linked data to blended educational materials with OER - A general context of synergy: Linked data for describe, discovery and retrieve OER and human beings knowledge to provide context
Piedra, Nelson; Chicaiza, Janneth; Atenas, Javiera; Lopez-Vargas, Jorge; et al.
The OER movement has challenged the traditional value chain by employing new methods to deliver high-quality educational content. Open Educational Resources (OER) provide a strategic opportunity to improve the quality ...
Match: piedra, nelson; chicaiza, janneth; tovar, edmundo; reuse
Design Study of OER-CC Ontology - A Semantic Web Approach to Describe Open Educational Resources
Piedra, Nelson; Chicaiza, Janneth; López, Jorge; Tovar, Edmundo; Martínez, Oscar
Through the application of semantic technologies to describe Open Educational Resources, any agent (human or software-based) could process and understand its contents, therefore, the agent could perform tasks ...
Match: piedra, nelson; chicaiza, janneth; tovar, edmundo
Finding OERs with social-semantic search
Piedra, Nelson; Chicaiza, Janneth; López, Jorge; Tovar, Edmundo; et al.
Social and semantic web can be complementary approaches searching web resources. This cooperative approach lets enable a semantic search engine to find accurate results and annotate web resources. This work develops the ...
Match: piedra, nelson; chicaiza, janneth; tovar, edmundo
An approach for description of Open Educational Resources based on semantic technologies
Piedra, Nelson; Chicaiza, Janneth; Lopez, Jorge; Martinez, Oscar; Caro, Edmundo Tovar
Open Educational Resources are accessed through the web, whose real setting shows an explosion in the use and development of tools and services based on Social Software. However, the growth of this data repository makes ...
Match: piedra, nelson; chicaiza, janneth; martinez, oscar
An architecture based on Linked Data technologies for the integration and reuse of OER in MOOCs context
Piedra, Nelson; Chicaiza, Janneth Alexandra; López, Jorge; Tovar, Edmundo
The Linked Data initiative is considered as one of the most effective alternatives for creating global shared information spaces, it has become an interesting approach for discovering and enriching open educational ...
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Open content licencing (OCL) for Open Educational Resources
Fitzgerald, Brian
This paper outlines a legal mechanism that has been developed, known as open content licensing that provides copyright owners with a facility for sharing their content with the world and thereby establishing a zone or ...
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From OER to OEP: Shifting practitioner perspectives and practices with innovative learning experience design
Karunanayaka, Shironica Priyanthi; Ratnayake, H U W.; Naidu, Som; Rajendra, J C N.
Like any other educational resource, the integration of OER in teaching and learning requires careful thought and support for the teaching staff. The Faculty of Education at the Open University of Sri Lanka approached ...
Match: experience
Redrawing the boundaries in online education through media literacy, OER, and web 2.0: An experience from Brazil
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