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iTunes U and the construction of Open Educational Resources
Lu, ZhenXia · Zhang, Yichun · Xu, ZH [secondary] · Shen, G. [secondary] · Lin, S. [secondary]

Type of workProceedings Paper
ConferenceAchievements in Engineering Materials, Energy, Management and Control Based on Information Technology, Pts 1 and 2
PublisherInt Sci & Educ Res Assoc; Beijing Spon Res Inst; Beijing Gireida Educ Co Ltd
CountrySwitzerland, Asia

To co-construct and share OERs is a common goal of global for education fields. iTunes U is an open and free educational platform constructed on the basis of iTunes, which provides brand-new development conditions and ideas for the co-construction and sharing of OERs. This article first raises the key problems for the co-construction and sharing of OERs and then analyzes why it is not only possible but also necessary for iTunes U to support the development of OERs.

Keywords iTunes U · Open Educational Resources · sharing · web 2.0

Published atLaublsrutistr 24, Ch-8717 Stafa-Zurich
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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