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Extending learning objects by means of social networking
Minguillon, Julia · Rodriguez, M Elena. · Conesa, Jordi · Luo, XF [secondary] · Spaniol, M. [secondary] · Wang, L. [secondary] · Li, Q. [secondary] · Nejdl, W. [secondary] · Zhang, W. [secondary]

Type of workProceedings Paper
ConferenceAdvances in Web-based Learning-ICWL 2010
PublisherHong Kong Web Soc; Shanghai Univ
CountryGermany, Europe

Learning objects have been the promise of providing people with high quality learning resources. Initiatives such as MIT Open-CourseWare, MERLOT and others have shown the real possibilities of creating and sharing knowledge through Internet. Thousands of educational resources are available through learning object repositories. We indeed live in an age of content abundance, and content can be considered as infrastructure for building adaptive and personalized learning paths, promoting both formal and informal learning. Nevertheless, although most educational institutions are adopting a more open approach, publishing huge amounts of educational resources, the reality is that these resources are barely used in other educational contexts. This paradox can be partly explained by the difficulties in adapting such resources with respect to language, e-learning standards and specifications and, finally, granularity. Furthermore, if we want our learners to use and take advantage of learning object repositories, we need to provide them with additional services than just browsing and searching for resources. Social networks can be a first step towards creating an open social community of learning around a topic or a subject. In this paper we discuss and analyze the process of using a learning object repository and building a social network on the top of it, with respect to the information architecture needed to capture and store the interaction between learners and resources in form of learning object metadata.

Keywords learning objects · metadata · repositories · social networks

Published atHeidelberger Platz 3, D-14197 Berlin
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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Analyzing hidden semantics in social bookmarking of Open Educational Resources
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