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Incorporating quality assurance criteria for OER and Social Networking in the E-xcellence QA methodology
Williams, Keith · Kear, Karen · Rosewell, Jonathan · Ferreira, Giselle

PublishedOctober 2011
Conference24th ICDE World Conference: Expanding Horizons: New Approaches to Open and Distance Learning

The E-xcellence QA methodology for e-learning ( ) is securing wide recognition by European and international agencies. The methodology presents principles of good practice in six domains of e-learning. It can be applied to the design and delivery of e-learning in distance learning and blended learning contexts. It is supported by exemplars of good practice which were current at the time of its launch in 2006. The project team are currently engaged in a programme of revision and updating to address recent developments, in particular i) development and use of Open Education Resources ii) the application of social networking tools. The authors present a review of current approaches in relation to developments in Social Networking and Open Educational Resources (OERs) and discuss the consultation exercise currently underway with users of the current methodology. They will outline their proposals for the updated and revised methodology that will be tested in beta version from 10-2011-05-2012

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