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Open Educational Resources and web 2.0 for formal learning in Information and Computer Sciences: A case study
Ferreira, Giselle and Wilson, Tina

PublishedMarch 2012
SeriesCollaborative Learning 2.0: Open Educational Resources
Chapter 13, Pages 238-252
PublisherIGI Global
EditorsOkada, Alexandra · Connolly, Teresa · Peters, Scott

The availability of Web 2.0 and open educational resources affords the emergence of novel learning spaces, but debate on these innovations has tended to emphasise technical, logistical, and legal issues. This chapter focuses on pedagogy, reporting on the experiences from a piece of action research that has taken students’ views to its heart. The context for this research has been provided by a distance-learning project-based course in information and computer sciences, equivalent to a final year project in a face-to-face setting. The study consisted of a practical investigation into the potential of such resources to support the necessarily intense episodes of interaction required for productive supervision, whilst providing a space where students can be encouraged to identify, engage with, and discuss ethical issues that arise in their work.

Keywords pedagogy · research · web 2.0 · case study

ISBNISBN13: 9781466603004, ISBN10: 1466603003, EISBN13: 9781466603011
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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