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Reusing, reworking and remixing open educational resources
Lane, Andy · Connolly, Teresa · Ferreira, Giselle · McAndrew, Patrick · Wilson, Tina · Marshall, Stewart [secondary] · Kinuthia, Wanjira [secondary]

PublishedJanuary 2010
SeriesEducational Design and Technology in the Knowledge Society
PublisherCases 'n' Places: Global Cases in Educational and Performance Technology, IAP - Information Age Publishing

Open educational resources are largely a phenomenon of the Web, although they can be used as offline resources. We have provided a rough guide to the OER world, and OpenLearn in particular in the case study, highlighting the thinking that lay behind the transformation of educational resources for open publication and exemplified by real examples accessible on or from OpenLearn and as discussed in key publications written by members of the OpenLearn Team. We expect the case study to give sufficient information and pointers to online sources for readers to begin to explore the issues involved, while we expect you, as an instructor, to highlight ways in which you can get your students to actively explore and use an OER as a learner and educator in order to use their own experiences to better understand and address the issues. However, you may want to suggest that your students also do some preclass reading of a selection of papers from the bibliography in addition to the case study itself.

Keywords William and Flora Hewlett Foundation · openlearn · OER definition · OER creation · reuse · case study

Published atCharlotte, NC
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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OpenLearn research report 2006-2008
McAndrew, Patrick; Santos, A.; Lane, Andy; Godwin, Stephen; et al.
This report takes the experience of OpenLearn over its two-years of operation to reflect on what it means to offer free resources and the issues that we have been able to explore and learn from. The structure of the ...
Match: lane, andy; connolly, teresa; ferreira, giselle; mcandrew, patrick; wilson, tina

Open Educational Resources and web 2.0 for formal learning in Information and Computer Sciences: A case study
Ferreira, Giselle; Wilson, Tina; Okada, Alexandra; Connolly, Teresa; Peters, Scott
The availability of Web 2.0 and open educational resources affords the emergence of novel learning spaces, but debate on these innovations has tended to emphasise technical, logistical, and legal issues. This chapter ...
Match: connolly, teresa; ferreira, giselle; wilson, tina; resources; case study

Pocketing the difference: Joint development of Open Educational Resources
McAndrew, Patrick; Wilson, Tina
Web 2.0 tools and social software are changing the way in which formal and informal learners expect to work with learning resources. In response, educational providers may open up access to existing courses by providing ...
Match: mcandrew, patrick; wilson, tina; ; resources; openlearn

Production of OER, a quest for efficiency
Schuwer, Robert; Wilson, Tina; van Valkenburg, Willem; Lane, Andy
In most initiatives to publish Open Educational Resources (OER), the production of OER is the activity with the highest costs. Based on literature and personal experiences a list of relevant characteristics of ...
Match: lane, andy; wilson, tina; oer creation; case study

Widening participation in higher education through Open Educational Resources
Lane, Andy; Connolly, Teresa; Okada, Alexandra; Scott, Peter J.
This chapter examines the role that open educational resources might play in widening participation in higher education. It begins by highlighting the perceived importance of widening participation in higher education ...
Match: lane, andy; connolly, teresa; resources

Using new tools to support creative community engagement with open educational resources
Wilson, Tina; McAndrew, Patrick
The availability of community building tools and open educational resources (OER) affords the creation of new and innovative learning spaces. However in much of the work on OER the focus has been on providing content, ...
Match: mcandrew, patrick; wilson, tina; ; resources

Are open educational resources the future of e-learning?
Kozinska, K.; Kursun, Engin; Wilson, Tina; McAndrew, Patrick; et al.
Increased interest in more open approaches to learning, in particular Open Educational Resources is reflected in the programmes of international organisations, national initiatives and the actions of individual ...
Match: mcandrew, patrick; wilson, tina; resources

OERopoly: Collaborative learning about Open Educational Resources through game-playing
Connolly, Teresa; Connolly, Teresa; Okada, Alexandra; Scott, Peter J.
The Open Educational Resources (OER) community supports the belief that knowledge is a public good and, combined with technological advancement, can provide an extraordinary opportunity to help equalize the distribution ...
Match: connolly, teresa; resources

Using open educational resources and Web 2.0 tools to support ethical reasoning in information and computer sciences project-based learning
Wilson, Tina; Ferreira, Giselle
This project investigated the use of Web 2.0 tools and Open Educational Resources (OER) to support students engaged in project-based learning in ICS. Capitalising on existing environments, tools and learning resources, ...
Match: ferreira, giselle; wilson, tina; resources

Are open educational resources systematic or systemic change agents for teaching practice?
Lane, Andy; McAndrew, Patrick
Open educational resources (OER) raise many similar issues for education to those that have surrounded Learning Objects (LO). However the greater use and availability of digital technologies and open licensing seems to ...
Match: lane, andy; mcandrew, patrick; resources