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Using new tools to support creative community engagement with open educational resources
Wilson, Tina and McAndrew, Patrick

JournalInternational Journal of Web Based Communities
Volume 7, Issue 4, Pages 442–462

The availability of community building tools and open educational resources (OER) affords the creation of new and innovative learning spaces. However in much of the work on OER the focus has been on providing content, rather than on how tools can be used in conjunction with available content to create a shared space that could improve the impact of such resources. A series of studies taking a subject point of view looked at the prospects for collaborative and cooperative working around OER from the perspectives of teachers and technical experts, considering in particular whether they would become involved in open environments. The studies discussed give an insight into how academics view social tools and techniques and whether they would use open arenas for formal and informal learning. The topic of OER and associated facilitative tools is important and this paper looks beyond content production issues to contribute to the debate on how collaborative and cooperative working can be established around OER.

Keywords collaborative learning · community building tools · computer science · cooperative learning · formal learning · HCI · human-computer interaction · informal learning · online communities ·  · shared learning spaces · virtual communities · web 2.0 · web based communities

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Pocketing the difference: Joint development of Open Educational Resources
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OpenLearn research report 2006-2008
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This report takes the experience of OpenLearn over its two-years of operation to reflect on what it means to offer free resources and the issues that we have been able to explore and learn from. The structure of the ...
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Evaluating three different Open Educational Resource models provided to enable Learning in Our Connected World
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The swift advancement of Web technologies has provided real opportunities for improving access, transfer and sharing of knowledge and information. One of the outcomes facilitated by these technologies is the Open ...
Match: Wilson, Tina; McAndrew, Patrick

Collating global evidence of the design, use, reuse and redesign of open educational content
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Reusing, reworking and remixing open educational resources
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Match: Wilson, Tina; McAndrew, Patrick

The role of CSCL pedagogical patterns as mediating artefacts for repurposing Open Educational Resources
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New design approaches to repurposing open educational resources for collaborative learning using mediating artefacts
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In spite of high expectations and the support given by prestigious funding and educational institutions, Open Educational Resources (OER) have not been adopted widely by teachers and learners in practice. From a ...
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