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Fostering open educational practices
McAndrew, Patrick

PublishedMarch 2011
JournaleLearning Papers 23
Volume 23, Issue March 2011, Pages 1-4
EditorsKoskinen, Tapio and Ehlers, Ulf-Daniel

OER are becoming accepted as part of the range of materials that learners and educa- tors can use. However, the methods and practices that enable learners, teachers and institutions to best engage with OER are not yet established and may well be more im- portant in enabling change in education systems than the availability of the resources themselves. By looking at the experiences that The Open University in the UK has in direct provision of OER and the broader research carried out by the Open Learning Network (OLnet) initiative, several factors and related practices can be identified that should help encourage openness and engagement with OER.

Keywords best practices · case-based analysis · OER engagement

Published atBarcelona
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Fostering open educational practices in cross-cultural contexts
Mwanza-Simwami, Daisy; McAndrew, Patrick; Madiba, Matete
The open content movement is breaking down traditional barriers to learning and resource sharing by promoting free access to Open Educational Resources (OERs) such as digital educational content and technological tools ...
Match: McAndrew, Patrick; best practices

Pocketing the difference: Joint development of Open Educational Resources
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Web 2.0 tools and social software are changing the way in which formal and informal learners expect to work with learning resources. In response, educational providers may open up access to existing courses by providing ...
Match: McAndrew, Patrick; Spain

Learning from open design: Running a learning design MOOC
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Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) give an opportunity for providing access to subjects of mass interest but also allow more niche subjects (Beavon, Commas- Quinn, de los Arcos & Hauck, 2013) to reach a larger ...
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Assessing OER impact across organisations and learners: experiences from the Bridge to Success project
Pitt, R.; Ebrahimi, Nassim; McAndrew, Patrick; Coughlan, Tim
Open courses have received a lot of attention in the last two years; however, the question of whether they serve learners has yet to be determined. This paper explores the challenges and potential in assessing the ...
Match: McAndrew, Patrick

OER Research Hub data 2013-2015: Educators
de los Arcos, Beatriz; Farrow, Rob; Pitt, R.; Perryman, L -A.; et al.
The OER Research Hub was a three year project funded by The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and based in the Institute of Educational Technology at The Open University in the UK. The OER movement had just passed ...
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The networking effects of OER
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Open Educational Resources (OER) give an openly available set of content and tools that in principle provide a basis for formal and informal communication and collaboration between groups of individuals around teaching ...
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OpenLearn research report 2006-2008
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This report takes the experience of OpenLearn over its two-years of operation to reflect on what it means to offer free resources and the issues that we have been able to explore and learn from. The structure of the ...
Match: McAndrew, Patrick

Exploring user types and what users seek in an open content based educational resource
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The OpenLearn site is an example of an Open Educational Resource (OER) providing units for free study and for re-use under the Creative Commons license. The primary focus of the site is content but it also offers social ...
Match: McAndrew, Patrick

Accessibility of MOOCs: Understanding the provider perspective
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Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs) have become an accepted way to make learning opportunities available at large scale and with low cost to the learner. However, only if these are made accessible will they be able to ...
Match: McAndrew, Patrick

The role of CSCL pedagogical patterns as mediating artefacts for repurposing Open Educational Resources
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