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Innovating pedagogy 2013: Open University innovation report 2
Sharples, Mike · McAndrew, Patrick · Weller, M. · Ferguson, Rebecca · FitzGerald, Elizabeth · Hirst, Tony · Gaved, Mark

PublishedSeptember 2013
PeriodicalPages 1-42
PublisherThe Open University, The Open University
CountryUnited Kingdom, Europe

This second report updates proposes ten innovations that are already in currency but have not yet had a profound influence on education including:
-Badges to accredit learning
-Citizen inquiry
-Crowd Learning
-Digital scholarship
-Learning analytics
-Learning from gaming
-Maker culture
-Seamless learning

Keywords accreditation · crowd learning · digital scholarship · geo-learning · learning analytics · MOOC · pedagogy

Published atMilton Keynes
RefereedDoes not apply
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