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Motivations and challenges in MOOCs with eastern insights
Zhong, Sheng-Hua · Zhang, Qun-Bo · Li, Zheng-Ping · Liu, Yan · the Shen Zhen University, 518000, Shen Zhen, Guang Dong, China [corporate] · the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China [corporate]

PublishedDecember 2016
JournalInternational Journal of Information and Education Technology
Volume 6, Issue 12, Pages 954 - 960

Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are the latest e-learning initiative to attain widespread popularity in the world. Unfortunately, nearly all of these studies are built from western insights. Thus, there is a need for a thematic and practical analysis of related studies to bring a better understanding of MOOCs with eastern insights. In this paper, a study is conducted focusing on the use of MOOCs from the eastern perspective. Our primary goal is to summarize the motivations and challenges of using MOOCs, as well as to identify issues that haven’t yet to be fully addressed or resolved. In this paper, we employed different methodologies that included the use of a questionnaire survey and activity data analysis. The results of this study may enhance our understanding of challenges of teaching and learning in MOOCs and help educators develop MOOCs with eastern insights.

Keywords eastern insights · human engagement · massive open online courses · MOOC · motivations and challenges of MOOCs

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