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Challenges and Opportunities for MOOCs in Indian Higher Education
Banwari, Vijeta

ConferenceEmerging Trends in Big Data, IOT and Cyber Security
Pages 195-199
PublisherMaharaja Surajmal Institute
CountryIndia, Asia

This paper examines the role of Massive online open courses (MOOCs) in Indian higher education. MOOCs have a major role to play in increasing Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in Higher Education. One of the biggest problems that Indian higher education is facing is lack of applicability for the industry. Most of the MOOCs offered are closely related to industry demand and needs. Also in India, the major part of population resides in rural areas and people can’t afford to get quality education, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are cost effective way of learning. MOOCs are becoming very popular, however they also suffer from some challenges. Addressing to these problems will decide how successful MOOCs will remain in future. The spread of MOOCs may be restricted by few barriers like high dropout rate, financial sustainability, and dependence on availability of internet facilities, language barriers and limitations in comparison to face to face mode of learning. However, MOOCs have great future because they are an economic alternative to formal set up of education without compromising on the quality of education.

Keywords gross enrolment ratio · massive online open course · MOOC · fourth industrial revolution

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