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Fostering open educational practices in cross-cultural contexts
Mwanza-Simwami, Daisy · McAndrew, Patrick · Madiba, Matete

PublishedMay 2008
ConferenceIST-Africa 2008 Conference Proceedings

The open content movement is breaking down traditional barriers to learning and resource sharing by promoting free access to Open Educational Resources (OERs) such as digital educational content and technological tools for teaching and learning. OERs have the potential to enable learners to champion their own learning by providing free access to educational content and tools that enable them to create, use and share knowledge. However, the design and uptake of OERs is often hampered by limited understanding of issues relating to the context in which learners access and use OERs. This paper discusses some of the approaches taken to foster open educational practices in learner use of OERs offered by The Open University's open content initiative, OpenLearn. Drawing on these experiences, we then consider future ideas about supporting open educational practices in cross-cultural contexts, and, in collaboration with Tshwane University of Technology, examine potential impact of OERs in Africa.

Keywords learning objects · open digital content · best practices · open source · technology design · openlearn

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Landscaping e-learning research agenda in the light of Open Educational Resources
Madiba, Matete; Mwanza-Simwami, Daisy; Richards, GEditor
A recent announcement of the Cape Town Open Education Declaration in South Africa demonstrates that the open education movement is making its way into educational sectors across the ...
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Fostering open educational practices
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Open educational resources: new directions for technology-enhanced distance learning in the third millenium
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This paper discusses open educational resources (OER) as a way to share knowledge and academic content. It focuses on OpenLearn, the OER initiative of the Open University UK. The paper presents the technological tools ...
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The networking effects of OER
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