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New approaches to openess: Beyond Open Educational Resources
Conole, Gráinne

PublisherUniversity of Leicester

This chapter begins by discussing the characteristics of social and participatory media and considers their implications for learning, teaching and research. The notion of openness is then considered and different facets of open practices across learning, teaching and research are considered.

Keywords digital literacy · OER research · open scholarship · OER delivery · OPAL · OER history · OER definition · web 2.0 · social media

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Beyond OER: Shifting focus to open educational practices
Andrade, António; Ehlers, Ulf Daniel; Caine, Abel; Carneiro, Roberto; et al.
Open Educational Resources are teaching, learning or research materials that are in the public domain or released with an intellectual property license that allows for free use, adaptation, and distribution. In ...
Match: Conole, Gráinne; OPAL; OER definition

Open engagement through open media, commissioned HEA/JISC Open Educational Resources Case Study: Pedagogical development from OER practice
Lane, Andy; Law, Andrew
This case study outlines and characterises the broad range of public engagement activities using media technologies undertaken by The Open University (OU) and in particular draws out how both open access and open ...
Match: OER history; web 2.0; social media; Europe

Using Cloudworks to support OER activities
Alevizou, Panagiota; Conole, Gráinne; Galley, R.
This report forms the third and final output of the Pearls in the Clouds project, funded by the Higher Education Academy. It focuses on evaluation of the use of a social networking site, Cloudworks, to support ...
Match: Conole, Gráinne; web 2.0

Learning design and open education
Conole, Gráinne
Learning Design has emerged in the last fifteen years or so as a new methodology to help practitioners make more pedagogically informed design decisions that make appropriate use of digital technologies. In parallel we ...
Match: Conole, Gráinne; Europe

Validation of non-formal MOOC-based learning: An analysis of assessment and recognition practices in Europe (OpenCred)
Witthaus, Gabi; dos Santos, Andreia Inamorato; Childs, Mark; Tannhauser, Anne-Christin; et al.
This report presents the outcomes of research, conducted between May 2014 and November 2015, into emerging practices in assessment, credentialisation and recognition in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Following ...
Match: Conole, Gráinne; Europe

Investigating the social configuration of a community to understand how networked learning activities take place: The OERu case study
Schreurs, Bieke; den Beemt, Antoine Van; Prinsen, Fleur; Laat, Maarten De; et al.
Examining how OER (Open Educational Resources) communities come to live, function or learn can support in empowering educators in the use of open educational resources. In this paper we investigate how an OER community ...
Match: Conole, Gráinne; Europe

The advancement of lifelong learning through Open Educational Resources in an open and flexible (self) learning context
Mulder, Fred
The concept of Open Educational Resources has become one of the most relevant themes in the educational world. In this context, ICDE has decided to launch a new initiative: the ICDE Global Task Force on Open Educational ...
Match: OER definition; web 2.0; Europe

The battle for open: How openness won and why it doesn’t feel like victory
Weller, M.
With the success of open access publishing, Massive open online courses (MOOCs) and open education practices, the open approach to education has moved from the periphery to the mainstream. This marks a moment of victory ...
Match: OER research; OER history

Growing the Curriculum: Open Education Resources in U.S. higher education
Allen, Elaine I.; Seaman, Jeff; Babson Survey Research; William and Flora Hewlett Foundation; Pearson
Open educational resources (OER) have been defined by the Hewlett Foundation as teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license ...
Match: OER research; OER history

New design approaches to repurposing open educational resources for collaborative learning using mediating artefacts
Dimitriadis, Yannis; McAndrew, Patrick; Conole, Gráinne; Makriyannis, Elpida
In spite of high expectations and the support given by prestigious funding and educational institutions, Open Educational Resources (OER) have not been adopted widely by teachers and learners in practice. From a ...
Match: Conole, Gráinne