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The open course library of the Washington State colleges
Caswell, Tom

PublishedMay 2012
SeriesGame changers: Education and information technologies
Chapter Case Study 2, Pages 259-262
PublisherEDUCAUSE Publications
EditorOblinger, Diana. G.
CountryUnited States, North America

This case study describes an initiative of the Washington State community and technical colleges called the Open Course Library (OCL). The Open Course Library is a large-scale curriculum redesign effort leveraging a variety of existing open educational resources (OER) as well as original content by our faculty course designers. Our state agency invested in the development of educational content and requires that the resulting digital course materials be shared under a Creative Commons open license. This case study begins with background on our college system, our Strategic Technology Plan, and the formal adoption of an open licensing policy.

Keywords case study · higher learning · institutional policy · open course library · research

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