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Open Educational Resources: Analysis of responses to the OECD country questionnaire
D'Antoni, Susan · Hylén, Jan · Mulder, Fred · Van Damme, Dirk

Alternate titleOECD Education Working Papers No. 76
PublishedMay 2012
PeriodicalPages 1-33
PublisherOECD Publishing

OECD’s Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) has worked on Open Educational Resources (OER) in the past, which led to the publication Giving Knowledge for Free – the Emergence of Open Educational Resources (2007). This working paper thus builds on exploratory and forward-looking research in CERI and invites countries to consider the policy implications of the expansion of OER, its benefits and associated challenges. A small OER expert group was established to discuss the subject, link it to other relevant developments in the field, and develop a draft questionnaire for member countries in order to collect information regarding the policy context related to OER. The expert group met in June 2011 and for a second time in September 2011. The questionnaire was sent to the 34 OECD member countries in August 2011. It outlined a short informative note about the benefits and challenges of OER. The responses to the questionnaire are analysed in this document.

Keywords governmental policy · licences · national OER policy · OER policy · research

ISBN1993-9019 (online)
ISSNNo. 76
RightsCopyright OECD 2012
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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Open Educational Resources the way forward, deliberations of an international community of interest
D'Antoni, Susan; United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; International Institute for Educational Planning
Between 2005 and 2007, a Community of Interest of more than 600 members from over half of the 193 Member States of UNESCO took part in online discussions on Open Educational Resources (OER) – open content for ...
Match: D'Antoni, Susan; education

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OpenCases is a study which is part of the OpenEdu Project. It is a qualitative study consisting of a review of literature on open education and nine in-depth case studies of higher education institutions, a consortium ...
Match: education; governmental policy; OER policy

Open Educational Resources: Opportunities and Challenges
Hylén, Jan
A discussion of a proposed OECD/CERI study to address four main concerns: 1. How to develop sustainable costs/benefits models for OER initiatives. 2. What are the intellectual property right issues linked to OER ...
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Education systems today face two major challenges: expanding the reach of education and improving its quality. Traditional solutions will not suffice, especially in the context of today's knowledge-intensive societies. ...
Match: D'Antoni, Susan

Open Educational Resources: Innovation, research and practice
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Open Educational Resources (OER) – that is, teaching, learning and research materials that their owners make free to others to use, revise and share – offer a powerful means of expanding the reach and effectiveness ...
Match: D'Antoni, Susan

A world map of Open Educational Resources initiatives: Can the global OER community design and build it together? Summary report of an international conversation: 12–30 November 2012
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