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O Conceito de Abertura em EAD [The concept of openeness in Distance Education]

PublisherEducação a Distancia: O Estado da Arte, Pearson Education

This chapter discusses different interpretations and tendencies of what it means to be an 'open university'. Published in a Brazilian book that won the national award prize for educational titles - Prêmio Jabuti.

Keywords higher education · openness · OER

Published atRio de Janeiro
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MOOCs, openness and changing educator practices: an Activity Theory case study
Czerniewicz, Laura; Glover, Michael; Deacon, Andrew; Walji, Sukaina
The practices and perceptions of educators formed through the creation and running of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) provide a case study of how educators understandings of ‘openness’ change (Beetham et al ...
Match: higher education; openness; OER

Increasing educational value: The transformation of MOOCs into Open Educational Resources
Kopp, Michael; Gröblinger, Ortrun; Zimmermann, Claudia; Kloos, Carlos Delgado; et al.
MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) have developed into one of the most prominent instruments of technology-enhanced learning, and their much-praised potential has often been connected to one of their core components: ...
Match: higher education; openness; OER

OpenCases: Case studies on openness in education
Souto-Otero, Manuel; dos Santos, Andreia Inamorato; Shields, Robin; Lažetić, Predrag; et al.
OpenCases is a study which is part of the OpenEdu Project. It is a qualitative study consisting of a review of literature on open education and nine in-depth case studies of higher education institutions, a consortium ...
Match: education; higher education

Validation of non-formal MOOC-based learning: An analysis of assessment and recognition practices in Europe (OpenCred)
Witthaus, Gabi; dos Santos, Andreia Inamorato; Childs, Mark; Tannhauser, Anne-Christin; et al.
This report presents the outcomes of research, conducted between May 2014 and November 2015, into emerging practices in assessment, credentialisation and recognition in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Following ...
Match: education; higher education

Widening access through openness in higher education in the developing world: A Bourdieusian field analysis of experiences from the National Open University of Nigeria
Olakulehin, Felix Kayode; Singh, Gurmit
Bourdieu has argued that higher education is a field that reproduces social inequality, thus complicating how openness widens access to higher education in the developing world. Drawing on the experiences of the ...
Match: higher education; openness

Exploration of open educational resources in non-English speaking communities
Cobo, Cristobal; McGreal, Rory; Conrad, Dianne
Over the last decade, open educational resources (OER) initiatives have created new possibilities for knowledge-sharing practices. This research examines how, where, and when OER are attracting attention in the higher ...
Match: education; OER

Higher education lecturers’ lived experience of going public in MOOCs
Olsson, Ulf
Academics in higher education are used to having their research publications reviewed and openly scrutinized. Teaching in higher education has traditionally been an individual academic’s activity that has taken place ...
Match: higher education; openness

Open educational resources at UCL
Tiedau, Ulrich
OER Commons is the first comprehensive open learning network where teachers and professors (from pre-K to graduate school) can access their colleagues course materials, share their own, and collaborate on affecting ...
Match: education; higher education

Beyond OER: Shifting focus to open educational practices
Andrade, António; Ehlers, Ulf Daniel; Caine, Abel; Carneiro, Roberto; et al.
Open Educational Resources are teaching, learning or research materials that are in the public domain or released with an intellectual property license that allows for free use, adaptation, and distribution. In ...
Match: education; higher education

Flipping with OER: K12 teachers’ views of the impact of open practices on students
de los Arcos, Beatriz
In April 2013 the Hewlett-funded OER Research Hub (OERRH) Project, in collaboration with the Flipped Learning Network (FLN), conducted an online survey of flipped educators with the aim of finding out about their use of ...
Match: education; OER