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Enabling access to and re-use of publicly funded research data as Open Educational Resources: A strategy for overcoming the legal barriers to data access and re-use
Fitzgerald, Anne and Hashim, Haswira Nor Mohamad

PublishedSeptember 2012
ConferenceProceedings of the Regional Symposium on Open Educational Resources: An Asian perspective on policy and practices
Pages 1-9

Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching, learning and research materials that have been released under an open licence that permits online access and re- use by others. The 2012 Paris OER Declaration encourages the open licensing of educational materials produced with public funds. Digital data and data sets produced as a result of scientific and non-scientific research are an increasingly important category of educational materials. This paper discusses the legal challenges presented when publicly funded research data is made available as OER, arising from intellectual property rights, confidentiality and information privacy laws, and the lack of a legal duty to ensure data quality. If these legal challenges are not understood, addressed and effectively managed, they may impede and restrict access to and re-use of research data. This paper identifies some of the legal challenges that need to be addressed and describes 10 proposed best practices which are recommended for adoption to so that publicly funded research data can be made available for access and re-use as OER.

Keywords intellectual property rights · legal challenges · OER · OER access · OER best practices · OER research · public funds · publicly funded research data · re-use

Published atPenang
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