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In the year of disruptive education
Hyman, Paul

PublishedDecember 2012
JournalCommunications of the ACM
Volume 55, Issue 12, Pages 20

As college tuitions soar, various online models vie to educate college students worldwide---at no cost.

Keywords disruptive education · MOOC · online learning · open education

Rights© 2012 ACM 0001-0782/12/12
Other informationCommun. ACM
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Democratizing higher education: Exploring MOOC use among those who cannot afford a formal education
Dillahunt, Tawanna; Wang, Brian; Teasley, Stephanie; McGreal, Rory; Conrad, Dianne
Massive open online courses (“MOOCs”) provide free access to higher education for anyone with Internet access. MOOCs are considered a means for democratizing education. These courses will hopefully provide an ...
Match: education; MOOC; online learning

Developing a MOOC for communicative English: A battle of instructional designs
Rafiq, Karmila Rafiqah M.; Hashim, Harwati; Yunus, Melor Md; Pazilah, Fetylyana Nor
The Communicative English (CE) of workers is still worrying for employers. Many employers carry out face-to-face English forworkplace training to curb the problem, but it is outdated, time-consuming and expensive. One ...
Match: education; MOOC; online learning

Something for everyone? The different approaches of academic disciplines to Open Educational Resources and the effect on widening participation
Coughlan, Tony; Perryman, L -A.
This article explores the relationship between academic disciplines? representation in the United Kingdom Open University's (OU) OpenLearn open educational resources (OER) repository and in the OU's fee-paying ...
Match: education; online learning; open education

Designing for quality: The understanding dementia MOOC
King, Carolyn; Kelder, Jo-Anne; Doherty, Kathleen; Phillips, Rob; et al.
The introduction of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) as a vehicle for education delivery presents opportunities and challenges. In the context of the Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre (Wicking Centre), ...
Match: education; MOOC; online learning

Refining success and dropout in massive open online courses based on the intention–behavior gap
Henderikx, Maartje A.; Kreijns, Karel; Kalz, Marco
In this paper we present an alternative typology for determining success and dropout in massive open online courses (MOOCs). This typology takes the perspectives of MOOC-takers into account and is based on the their ...
Match: MOOC; online learning; open education

Brief report on Open Praxis figures and data (2017)
Inés Gil-Jaurena
In the first Open Praxis issue in 2018 we briefly report on some statistics and information about Open Praxis development. The report covers the period January 2013 - December 2017, with a special focus in volume 9, ...
Match: MOOC; online learning; open education

Open education
Pisutova, K.
Introduction to some concepts of openness in education. This presentation addresses concepts of Open Licensing (Creative Commons licenses), Open Content, Open Coursewere, Open Educational Resources, and Open Teaching ...
Match: MOOC; open education

Massive open online courses: Strategies and research areas
Murphy, Jamie; Kalbaskab, Nadzeya; Williams, Alan; Ryan, Peter; et al.
The latest education revolution, the massive open online courses (MOOCs), is gaining momentum, accolades, and participation across industry and academia. These learning laboratory behemoths host and assess tens to ...
Match: MOOC; online learning; open education

Gamification in MOOC
Gené, Oriol Borrás; Núñez, Margarita Martínez; Blanco, Ángel Fidalgo; García-Peñalvo, Francisco José
The phenomenon of MOOC (Massive Online Open Courses) is increasingly experienced and is challenged by very low completion rates. There are a large number of students who drop out of the course, so it is necessary to ...
Match: education; MOOC

The MOOCs’ (R)evolution. A policy framework analysis at a European level
Rosa, Rosanna De; Reda, Valentina
Academic institutions all over the world, as well as active stakeholders in the field of education and supporting services, are exploring Moocs to try and understand how learning and teaching environments are changing, ...
Match: education; MOOC