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Disruption in higher education: Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
Skiba, Diane J.

PublishedNovember 2012
JournalNursing Education Perspectives
Volume 33, Issue 6, Pages 416 - 417

RightsCopyright © 2013 National League for Nursing
Other informationNursing Education Perspectives
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Gamification in MOOC
Gené, Oriol Borrás; Núñez, Margarita Martínez; Blanco, Ángel Fidalgo; García-Peñalvo, Francisco José
The phenomenon of MOOC (Massive Online Open Courses) is increasingly experienced and is challenged by very low completion rates. There are a large number of students who drop out of the course, so it is necessary to ...
Match: education; MOOC

Developing a MOOC for communicative English: A battle of instructional designs
Rafiq, Karmila Rafiqah M.; Hashim, Harwati; Yunus, Melor Md; Pazilah, Fetylyana Nor
The Communicative English (CE) of workers is still worrying for employers. Many employers carry out face-to-face English forworkplace training to curb the problem, but it is outdated, time-consuming and expensive. One ...
Match: education; MOOC

Designing for quality: The understanding dementia MOOC
King, Carolyn; Kelder, Jo-Anne; Doherty, Kathleen; Phillips, Rob; et al.
The introduction of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) as a vehicle for education delivery presents opportunities and challenges. In the context of the Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre (Wicking Centre), ...
Match: education; MOOC

MOOCs: A systematic study of the published literature 2008-2012
Liyanagunawardena, Tharindu; Adams, Andrew; Williams, Shirley; McGreal, Rory; Conrad, Dianne
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are a recent addition to the range of online learning options. Since 2008, MOOCs have been run by a variety of public and elite universities, especially in North America. Many ...
Match: connectivism; MOOC

Connectivity of learning in MOOCs: Facilitators’ experiences in team teaching
Mercado-Varela, Martin Alonso; Beltran, Jesus; Perez, Marisol Villegas; Vazquez, Nohemi Rivera; Ramirez-Montoya, Maria-Soledad
The role of facilitators in distance learning environments is of substantial importance in supporting the learning process. This article specifically discusses the role of the facilitator in Massive Open Online Courses ...
Match: connectivism; MOOC

Planning to design MOOC? Think first!
AlDahdouh, Alaa A.; Osório, António J.
Over the last years, educators have been forced to rethink about the whole education system. In 2005, Connectivism, a new learning theory, was emerged. Consequently, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have been ...
Match: connectivism; MOOC

The MOOCs’ (R)evolution. A policy framework analysis at a European level
Rosa, Rosanna De; Reda, Valentina
Academic institutions all over the world, as well as active stakeholders in the field of education and supporting services, are exploring Moocs to try and understand how learning and teaching environments are changing, ...
Match: education; MOOC

Using mLearning and MOOCs to understand chaos, emergence, and complexity in education
de Waard, Inge; Abajian, Sean C.; Gallagher, Michael; Hogue, Rebecca; et al.
In this paper, we look at how the massive open online course (MOOC) format developed by connectivist researchers and enthusiasts can help analyze the complexity, emergence, and chaos at work in the field of education ...
Match: connectivism; MOOC

MOOCs: A learning journey
Smith, Becky; Eng, Min; Cheung, Simon K. S.; Fong, Joseph; et al.
MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) have been radically changing the direction of online education in the last few years. Although sharing many common features, there has been an emergence of two distinct varieties of ...
Match: connectivism; MOOC

Validation of non-formal MOOC-based learning: An analysis of assessment and recognition practices in Europe (OpenCred)
Witthaus, Gabi; dos Santos, Andreia Inamorato; Childs, Mark; Tannhauser, Anne-Christin; et al.
This report presents the outcomes of research, conducted between May 2014 and November 2015, into emerging practices in assessment, credentialisation and recognition in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Following ...
Match: education; MOOC