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Sharing of open science education resources and educational practices in Europe
Sampson, Demetrios G. and Zervas, Panagiotis

PublishedMay 2013
PeriodicalChapter 8, Pages 105-124
PublisherCommonwealth of Learning, Athabasca University
EditorsMcGreal, Rory · Kinuthia, Wanjira · Marshall, Stewart

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Developing metadata application profiles for open educational resources federated repositories: The case of the open discovery space metadata application profile
Zervas, Panagiotis; Sampson, Demetrios G.; Malta, Mariana Curado; Baptista, Ana Alice; Walk, Paul
With many Learning Object Repositories (LORs) implemented and maintained independently from different organizations or communities, valuable Learning Objects (LOs) are scattered over different LORs and making it ...
Match: sampson, demetrios g.; zervas, panagiotis; oer repositories

Open Educational Resources: Innovation, research and practice
Burgos Aguilar, José Vladimir; Cox, Glenda; Czerniewicz, Laura; D'Antoni, Susan; et al.
Open Educational Resources (OER) – that is, teaching, learning and research materials that their owners make free to others to use, revise and share – offer a powerful means of expanding the reach and effectiveness ...
Match: sampson, demetrios g.; zervas, panagiotis

MOOC: Making and open educational practices
Czerniewicz, Laura; Deacon, Andrew; Glover, Michael; Walji, Sukaina
MOOCs have been seen as holding promise for advancing Open Education. While the pedagogical design of the first MOOCs grew out of the Open Education Movement, the current trend has MOOCs exhibiting fewer of the original ...
Match: practices

Developing innovative systems for supportive open teaching practices in higher education
Lane, Andy
Openness has become a key feature in the discourse and practice of higher education in recent years as has its potential to drive innovation in teaching and learning practices. More often this discourse refers to the ...
Match: practices

When two worlds don’t collide: Can social curation address the marginalisation of open educational practices and resources from outside academia?
Perryman, L -A.; Coughlan, Tony
A canyonesque gulf has long existed between open academia and many external subject communities. Since 2011, we have been developing and piloting the public open scholar role (Coughlan and Perryman 2012) - involving ...
Match: practices

Into the Open: Shared Stories of Open Educational Practices in Teacher Education
DeWaard, Helen
Navigating through the Faculty of Education as a teacher educator in Canada is complex and complicated. Research literature calls for an intentional focus on media and digital literacies, and technological competencies, ...
Match: practices

Factors influencing open educational practices and OER in the Global South: Meta-synthesis of the ROER4D project
Hodgkinson-Williams, Cheryl; Arinto, Patricia; Cartmill, Tess; King, Thomas; et al.
This chapter provides a meta-synthesis of the findings from the Research on Open Educational Resources for Development (ROER4D) empirical studies based on the 13 sub-project chapters in this volume as well as other ...
Match: practices

Getting to openness at a closed institution: A case study of evolving and sustaining open education practices
Morgan, Tannis
This study examined a Canadian post-secondary institution in the period between 2010 and 2014, with a follow-up assessment in 2018 in order to understand its evolution with open educational resources (OER) and open ...
Match: practices

Open educational practices advocacy: The instructional designer experience
Harrison, Michelle; DeVries, Irwin
Instructional designers are in a unique position to provide leadership and support for advancement of new technologies and practices. There is a paucity of research on current and potential roles of Instructional ...
Match: practices

A small project and a big venture: Sharing practices between two different scale OER developments
Connolly, Teresa; Lane, Andrew; Hasseler, Bjorn; Hennesy, Sarah
Sharing knowledge between OER initiatives and the reality of what actually happens in practice can lead to the fostering of openness amongst yet further initiatives and consequently enable our communities of practice to ...
Match: practices