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Open Educational Resources: Access to knowledge — A personal reflection
D'Antoni, Susan

PublishedMay 2013
PeriodicalChapter 9, Pages 127-140
PublisherCommonwealth of Learning, Athabasca University
EditorsMcGreal, Rory · Kinuthia, Wanjira · Marshall, Stewart

Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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Open Educational Resources conversations in cyberspace
D'Antoni, Susan; Savage, Catriona
Education systems today face two major challenges: expanding the reach of education and improving its quality. Traditional solutions will not suffice, especially in the context of today's knowledge-intensive societies. ...
Match: D'Antoni, Susan; open education

Open Educational Resources: Innovation, research and practice
Burgos Aguilar, José Vladimir; Cox, Glenda; Czerniewicz, Laura; D'Antoni, Susan; et al.
Open Educational Resources (OER) – that is, teaching, learning and research materials that their owners make free to others to use, revise and share – offer a powerful means of expanding the reach and effectiveness ...
Match: D'Antoni, Susan; open education

Learning the Lessons of Openness
McAndrew, Patrick; Farrow, Rob; Elliott-Cirigottis, Gary; Law, Patrina
The Open Educational Resources (OER) movement has built up a record of experience and achievements since it was formed 10 years ago as an identifiable approach to sharing online learning materials. In its initial phase, ...
Match: reflection; open education

How much OOO in your MOOC?
Kuna, Maja; Parrish, Patrick
Il formato MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) continua a creare numerose riflessioni, soprattutto in merito alla sua capacità di raggiungere tanti utenti contemporaneamente e all’uso innovativo delle nuove tecnologie. ...
Match: distance learning; open education

Access under siege: Are the gains of open education keeping pace with the growing barriers to university access?
Olcott Jr, Don
Traditional and affordable access to a university education is under siege from all sides. National realpolitiks and global economic downturns have driven open education into the mainstream to stand against educational ...
Match: distance learning; open education

New ways of mediating learning: Investigating the implications of adopting open educational resources for tertiary education at an institution in the United Kingdom as compared to one in South Africa
Wilson, Tina
Access to education is not freely available to all. Open Educational Resources (OERs) have the potential to change the playing field in terms of an individual’s right to education. The Open University in the United ...
Match: distance learning; open education

A world map of Open Educational Resources initiatives: Can the global OER community design and build it together? Summary report of an international conversation: 12–30 November 2012
D'Antoni, Susan
Four topics for the creation of the OER mapping model are addressed: 1) A rationale for a collaborative OER world map "How would a visual OER world map be useful in your own setting and from your own ...
Match: D'Antoni, Susan

Open education
Pisutova, K.
Introduction to some concepts of openness in education. This presentation addresses concepts of Open Licensing (Creative Commons licenses), Open Content, Open Coursewere, Open Educational Resources, and Open Teaching ...
Match: open education

Current developments and best practice in open and distance learning
Trinidade, Armando Rocha; Carmo, Hermano; Bidarra, José; McGreal, Rory; Conrad, Dianne
Through the many documents regularly emitted by those dedicated to this activity, it is comparatively easy to describe factual developments in the field of open and distance education in different places in the world. ...
Match: distance learning; open learning

Open Educational Resources the way forward, deliberations of an international community of interest
D'Antoni, Susan; United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization; International Institute for Educational Planning
Between 2005 and 2007, a Community of Interest of more than 600 members from over half of the 193 Member States of UNESCO took part in online discussions on Open Educational Resources (OER) – open content for ...
Match: D'Antoni, Susan