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Realising the Potential of peer-to-peer learning: Taming a MOOC with social media
Purser, Emily · Towndrow, Angela · Aranguiz, Ary

PublishedMay 2013
JournaleLearning Papers
Volume 33, Issue May 2013, Pages 1-5
EditorsMor, Yishay and Koskinen, Tapio
CountrySpain, Europe

We report on peer-to-peer learning online, describing the role of cooperative, student managed groupings in successful learn-by-MOOC experiences.
We found that to expand learners’ potential in digital culture, it helps to by-pass traditional notions and tools of online learning support, and embrace networked social media.

Keywords connectivism · digital · literacy · open education · peer-to-peer education

Published atBarcelona
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