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Reflecting on the transformational potential of Open Education
Nascimbeni, Fabio

PublishedFebruary 2016
Type of workConference paper
ConferenceGenova University Press
EditorsRui, Marina · Messina, Laura · Minerva, Tommaso

The paper presents some reflections on the achievements of the Open Education movement as well as of the main challenges that are risking to compromise the “victory of open” (Weller, 2014). To help facing these challenges, two ideas are put forward: to recover and valorise the reflections around Open Learning that have driven the wave of openness in education in the 70s and to focus on teachers as the potential game-changers for openness in education, by empowering them in terms of Open Education capacity and ownership.

Keywords higher education · OER · open education · open teaching

Published atGenova
RefereedDoes not apply
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