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Consortium Members
Open Courseware Consortium [corporate]

PeriodicalVolume 2011
PublisherOpen Courseware Consortium
Other number2011-11-03
Access date2011-11-03
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Education ministers’ policy statement on fair dealing
CMEC Copyright Consortium
The Statement underlines the provincial and territorial education ministers' support for teachers' and students' use of the fair dealing provision in the Copyright Act for classroom learning. The consortium is composed ...

The unwalled garden: Growth of the OpenCourseWare consortium, 2001–2008
Carson, Stephen
This article traces the development of the OpenCourseWare movement, including the origin of the concept at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the implementation of the MIT OpenCourseWare project, and the ...
Match: consortium

Evaluation of the Open Course Ware initiatives within the scope of digital literacy skills: Turkish Open CourseWare Consortium case
Çakmak, Tolga; Özel, Nevzat; Yılmaz, Muharrem
This study aims to evaluate the Turkish Open Course Ware (OCW) initiative in terms of digital literacy skills required for effective usage for new learners. The study also finds out how universities, lecturers/academics ...
Match: consortium

It takes a consortium to support open textbooks
Baker, Judy
A look at the Community College Open Textbook (CCOT) Project- the challenges, recommendations, and future plans.
Match: consortium

OER adaptation and reuse across cultural contexts in sub Saharan Africa: lessons from the TESSA consortium
Wolfenden, Freda; Buckler, Alison; Keraro, Fred
Much is written of the potential of Open Educational Resources (OERs) to contribute to improvements in the quality of and access to education, particularly in environments such as Sub-Saharan Africa. But some of the ...
Match: consortium

OER production and adaptation through networking across Sub–Saharan Africa: learning from TESSA
Wolfenden, Freda; Glennie, Jenny; Harley, Ken; Van Wyk, Trudi
Educational reforms, as driven by the Millennium Development Goals, envision schooling where all children and young people participate and have opportunities to succeed. To achieve this vision across Sub Saharan Africa ...
Match: consortium

Development of OERs through international collaboration E-QUAL case study
Gupta, Parul
Development of Open Education Resources (OER) is similar to product development and it requires due attention to get the final product. Generally, the focus is laid on the final product and not on the process. However, ...
Match: consortium

Growing the intention to adopt educational innovations: An empirical study
Bourrie, David M.; L. Allison Jones-Farmer; Sankar, Chetan S.
In order for the Open Access (OA) to learning concept to a have wider impact in formal education, it is important that faculty members intent to adopt new educational innovations. However, little is known about which ...