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Fitzpatrick, Sharyn

PublishedOctober 2010
PeriodicalVolume 1, Pages 1-119
CountryUnited States

Educators and faculty members discover how to drive awareness and adoption of open textbooks at their own colleges. In an easy, accessible, readable style that has become the hallmark of THINKaha books, #OPEN TEXTBOOK tweet Book01′ shows authors and educators how they can participate in this win-win effort and seize this opportunity to contribute positively towards ensuring open, affordable college learning for all.

Keywords accessibility · OER · open resources · open textbooks

Published atSilicon Valley, California
ISSNPaperback ISBN: 978-1-61699-004-6 (1-61699-004-X) eBook ISBN: 978-1-61699-005-3 (1-61699-005-8)
RefereedDoes not apply
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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Fixing the broken textbook market
Nagle, Cailyn; Vitez, Kaitlyn; U.S. PIRG Education Fund
The high price of college textbooks remains one of the most significant out of pocket expenses for students. The cost of textbooks has increased at three times the rate of inflation, and although that trend seems to ...
Match: textbook; open textbooks; united states

Textbook costs & digital learning resources: A report of the VCCS Reengineering task force
Sebastian, Richard
The Textbook Costs and Digital Learning Resources (TCDLR) Committee was established in 2012 by Dr. Glenn DuBois, Chancellor of Virginia's Community Colleges, and the VCCS Reengineering Task Force. The purpose of the ...
Match: textbook; oer; open textbooks

Student Perceptions of Textbooks: Prior Behaviors and Beliefs Can Influence Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) Adoption Impact
Pfannenstiel, AmberNicole; Redcay, Alex; Albert, Daniel
Many Open Educational Resource (OER) and Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) studies explore cost savings, impact on learning outcomes, and student perceptions of the materials. While OER/ZTC research reports positive student ...
Match: textbook; united states

Open source textbook report: August 9th, 2016
Corcoran, Kevin; Bedard, Martha; University of Connecticut
This report covers the state of Open Textbooks and Open Educational Resources from a national and state perspective, and describes the actions taken to date to raise the awareness of the appointed legislative task ...
Match: textbook; open textbooks; united states

Open source textbook report
University of Conneticut; The Conneticut Conference of Independent Colleges; Conneticut State Colleges & Universities
Since 2006, the cost of college textbooks has increased by 73% - more than four times the rate of inflation. Many students have opted for cost avoidance. In the report, Fixing the Broken Textbooks Market, it states that ...
Match: textbook; oer; open textbooks; united states

2016 Florida student textbook & course materials survey
Donaldson, Robin L.; Shen, E.
This is the final version of the 2016 Student Textbook and Course Materials Survey. in 2016, the Office of Distance Learning and Student Services within the statewide Florida Virtual Campus conducted a Student Textbook ...
Match: textbook; oer; united states

University students and faculty have positive perceptions of open/ alternative resources and their utilization in a textbook replacement initiative
Lindshield, Brian L.; Delimont, Nicole; Turtle, Elizabeth C.; Bennett, Andrew; Adhikari, Koushik
The Kansas State University Open/Alternative Textbook Initiative provides grants to faculty members to replace textbooks with open/alternative educational resources (OAERs) that are available at no cost to students. ...
Match: textbook; united states

Opening up to OERs: Electronic original sourcebook versus traditional textbook in the introduction to American Government Course
Brandle, Shawna M.
Traditional American Government textbooks are expensive and often unpopular with students. New technologies and Open Educational Resources (OERs) open up the potential for change, but questions of quality are ever ...
Match: textbook; oer; united states

Inequitable Impacts of Textbook Costs at a Small, Private College: Results from a Textbook Survey at Gettysburg College
Appedu, Sarah; Elmquist, Mary; Wertzberger, Janelle; Birch, Sharon
Recognizing that higher education settings vary considerably, librarians at Gettysburg College sought to better understand textbook spending behaviors and the effects of costs on our students. We adapted the Florida ...
Match: textbook; oer; united states

Data-informed open education advocacy: A new approach to saving students money and backaches
Thompson, Sydney; Cross, William; Rigling, Lillian; Vickery, John
The North Carolina State University Libraries has long recognized the financial burden textbook costs place on students. By crosswalking information on use of our textbook collection with textbook cost and course ...
Match: united states