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A framework to integrate public, dynamic metrics into an OER platform
Cohen, Jaclyn Zetta · Omollo, Kathleen Ludewig · Malicke, Dave

PublishedApril 2014
JournalOpen Praxis
Volume 6, Issue 2, Pages 189-197
Original Publication2014 OCWC Global Conference Selected Papers

The usage metrics for open educational resources (OER) are often either hidden behind an authentication system or shared intermittently in static, aggregated format at the repository level. This paper discusses the first year of University of Michigan’s project to share its OER usage data dynamically, publicly, to synthesize it across different levels within the repository hierarchies, and to aggregate in a method inclusive of content hosted on third-party platforms. The authors analyze their user research with a target audience of faculty authors, multimedia specialists, librarians, and communications specialists. Next, they explore a stratified technical design that allows the dynamic sharing of metrics down to the level of individual resources. The authors conclude that this framework enables sustainable feedback to OER creators, helps to build positive relationships with creators of OER, and allows the institution to move toward sharing OER on a larger scale.

Keywords analytics · APIs · CMS · data · metrics · user-research

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