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Realising the Potential of peer-to-peer learning: Taming a MOOC with social media
Purser, Emily; Towndrow, Angela; Aranguiz, Ary; Mor, Yishay; Koskinen, Tapio
We report on peer-to-peer learning online, describing the role of cooperative, student managed groupings in successful learn-by-MOOC experiences. We found that to expand learners’ potential in digital culture, it ...
Match: connectivism

Connectivity of learning in MOOCs: Facilitators’ experiences in team teaching
Mercado-Varela, Martin Alonso; Beltran, Jesus; Perez, Marisol Villegas; Vazquez, Nohemi Rivera; Ramirez-Montoya, Maria-Soledad
The role of facilitators in distance learning environments is of substantial importance in supporting the learning process. This article specifically discusses the role of the facilitator in Massive Open Online Courses ...
Match: connectivism

The ideals and reality of participating in a MOOC
Mackness, Jenny; Mak, Sui Fai John; Williams, Roy
CCK08' was a unique event on Connectivism and Connective Knowledge within a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) in 2008. It was a course and a network about the emergent practices and the theory of Connectivism, proposed ...
Match: connectivism

Planning to design MOOC? Think first!
AlDahdouh, Alaa A.; Osório, António J.
Over the last years, educators have been forced to rethink about the whole education system. In 2005, Connectivism, a new learning theory, was emerged. Consequently, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have been ...
Match: connectivism

Digital culture clash: “massive” education in the E-learning and Digital Cultures MOOC
Knox, Jeremy
While education has been both open and online, the sizeable enrolment numbers associated with massive open online courses (MOOCs) are somewhat unprecedented. In order to gauge the significance of education at scale, ...
Match: connectivism

Unpacking MOOC scholarly discourse: A review of nascent MOOC scholarship
Ebben, Maureen; Murphy, Julien S.
The rapid rise of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) signals a shift in the ways in which digital teaching and learning are engaged in and understood. Drawing upon a comprehensive search of nine leading academic ...
Match: connectivism

The challenges to connectivist learning on open online networks: Learning experiences during a massive open online course
Kop, Rita; McGreal, Rory; Conrad, Dianne
Self-directed learning on open online networks is now a possibility as communication and resources can be combined to create learning environments. But is it really? There are some challenges that might prevent learners ...
Match: connectivism

Frameworks for understanding the nature of interactions, networking, and community in a social networking site for academic practice
Conole, Grainne; Galley, Rebecca; Culver, Juliette; McGreal, Rory; Conrad, Dianne
This paper describes a new social networking site, Cloudworks, which has been developed to enable discussion and sharing of learning and teaching ideas/designs and to promote reflective academic practice. The site aims ...
Match: connectivism

Challenges to research in MOOCs
Fournier, Helene; Kop, Rita; Durand, Guillaume
Over the past five years, the emergence of interactive social media has influenced the development of learning environments. Learning management systems have come to maturity, but because they are controlled by ...
Match: connectivism

Rethinking A Framework for Contextualising and Collaborating in MOOCs by Higher Education Institutions in Africa
Erkkie, Haipinge; Kadhila, Ngepathimo
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are online courses that are open to anyone with Internet access. Pioneered in North America, they were developed for contexts with broader access to technology and wider access to the ...
Match: connectivism