‐ Wiley
: A
Published | August 2009 |
Type of work | transcript of a conversation moderated by Chris Lott |
Publisher | National Research Council Canada, Brigham Young University |
A conversation between Stephen Downes and David Wiley on the subject of open educational resources. Topics covered include:
• What are OERs and Why do we want Them? What's Our Objective Here?
• Providing Learning vs Supporting Learning
• Perspectives on OERs: Users and Producers
• OERs Created by Providers vs. Created by Community
Keywords | creating OER · education licensing · OER accreditation · OER commercialism · supporting OER |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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The role of Open Educational Resources in personal learning
Downes, Stephen; McGreal, Rory; Kinuthia, Wanjira; Marshall, Stewart
Match: downes, stephen
The OER adoption impact calculator, version 1.2
Wiley, David A.
The OER Adoption Impact Calculator helps you understand many of the potential impacts of adopting OER instead of traditionally copyrighted learning materials. The values in the Settings on the left are set to defaults ...
Match: wiley, david a.
The cost and quality of online open textbooks: Perceptions of community college faculty and students
Bliss, TJ; Hilton, John; Wiley, David A.; Thanos, Kim
Proponents of open educational resources (OER) claim that significant cost savings are possible when open textbooks displace traditional textbooks in the college classroom. We investigated student and faculty ...
Match: wiley, david a.
Presentation to UNCTAD's advisory group on "Developing skills, knowledge and capacities through innovation: E-Learning, M-Learning, cloud-Learning"
Downes, Stephen
Match: downes, stephen
Open-access textbooks and financial sustainability: A case study on flat world knowledge
Hilton, John Levi; Wiley, David A.
Many college students and their families are concerned about the high costs of textbooks. A company called Flat World Knowledge both gives away and sells open-source textbooks in a way it believes to be financially ...
Match: wiley, david a.
Paper on Open Education Resources
Wiley, David A.
A brief history of OER, followed by a discussion of the current state of OER trends as well as information on OER development and use.
Match: wiley, david a.
The adoption of Open Educational Resources by one community college math department
Wiley, David A.; Robinson, Jared; Clark, Phil; Gaudet, Donna; et al.
The high cost of textbooks is of concern not only to college students but also to society as a whole. Open textbooks promise the same educational benefits as traditional textbooks; however, their efficacy remains ...
Match: wiley, david a.
The fabrication that is OER
Downes, Stephen
OER stands for 'Open Educational Resources' and as readers know I have been a long-time proponent of free and open learning resources. So why would I call them a fabrication in the title of this post? ...
Match: downes, stephen
Open Educational Resources: Innovation, research and practice
Burgos Aguilar, José Vladimir; Cox, Glenda; Czerniewicz, Laura; D'Antoni, Susan; et al.
Open Educational Resources (OER) – that is, teaching, learning and research materials that their owners make free to others to use, revise and share – offer a powerful means of expanding the reach and effectiveness ...
Match: downes, stephen
The creation and use of Open Educational Resources in Christian Higher Education
Hilton, John Levi; Wiley, David A.
Open educational resources (OERs) represent a new frontier in eduction. There are several examples of individuals and institutions providing open educational resources; this openness is also specifically manifest in the ...
Match: wiley, david a.