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Academic shift towards open access
Buehler, Marianne A.

PublishedAugust 2013
PeriodicalChapter 2, Pages 29 - 62
PublisherDemystifying the Institutional Repository for Success, Elsevier
CountryUnited States

The concept, design, and development of institutional repository (IR) software was conceived and created by academics, libraries, and software developers to create change in the scholarly communication process of making journal articles globally available. Research aggregator tools have made open access article searching a less daunting proposition by utilizing the OAI-PMH metadata harvesting technology. Talking points that engage the campus, its administration, faculty, and librarians to embrace an IR’s role are critical to achieve a high percentage of buy-in to increase the rate of research article deposit, necessary without a campus mandate. Partnering with open access-amenable researchers to showcase their scholarship is a proven method of building their trust and archiving their work in an institutional repository. A content departure beyond the standard journal article has rapidly evolved into an abundance and variety of additional scholarship to archive. Social marketing strategies describe the inducement of voluntary change by selling a concept that generally benefits society, such as an IR. Faculty, administrators, and students will find a variety of value propositions in utilizing a repository for their scholarly works.

Keywords academic administrators · aggregators of scholarly content · copyright addendums · ETDs · faculty talking points · grey literature · institutional repository marketing · journal article permissions · open access principles · SHERPA/RoMEO · social marketing · strategic campus partnerships · student research

Published atLas Vegas
RefereedDoes not apply
RightsCopyright © 2013 M.A. Buehler. All rights reserved.
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