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Textbook costs, legislation, and options: Choosing your textbook in the 21st Century
Cavanaugh, Terence

PublishedMarch 2009
ConferenceProceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2009, Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference, Mar 02, 2009
Edition 1, Volume 2009, Pages 2486-2491
PublisherAssociation for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)

Rising costs for textbooks, which can now add up to 1/5 to 1/2 the cost of tuition, have led to national and state legislation. Adopted legislation includes requirements such as of unbundling, publishing textbooks lists online 30 days in advance of a class starting, having copies of the texts available through campus libraries, and investigating options concerning the adopted texts. Many formats of textbooks are less expensive than printed books. Perhaps the most affordable solution is the open or open source textbook. This paper examines some of the options available for textbooks including textbook rental, digital textbooks and free open course textbooks, along with the feasibility of using such texts, advantages, and identifies possible barriers to their use.

Keywords digital textbooks · OER barriers · open textbooks

Published atChesapeake, VA
Rights© 2009 AACE
Other informationSITE
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