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The copyright manifesto: How the European Union should support innovation and creativity through copyright reform: Now is the time to fix copyright!
De Cock, Caroline [editor]

PublishedJanuary 2015
PeriodicalPages 1-13
PublisherCopyright 4 Creativity

At a time when the copyright public policy debate tends to focus exclusively on enforcement, we believe that it is time for a discussion in the European institutions on how to ensure that copyright fully supports innovation, creativity, competition, and the public interest. Now is the time for a constructive policy agenda to ensure copyright meets the needs of the 21st century.

Keywords copyright · copyright harmonization · copyright limitations · EU

RefereedDoes not apply
Rights©2014 Copyright for Creativity. All materials on this collaboration platform are the property of the contributing authors.
Other informationThe copyright manifesto: How the European Union should support innovation and creativity through copyright reform
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