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Guidelines on Open Access to scientific publications and research data in Horizon 2020
The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation [corporate]

PublishedDecember 2013
PeriodicalPages 1-14
PublisherEuropean Commission

The European Commission recently announced the guidelines on open access to scientific publications and research data. The purpose of these guidelines is to provide context and explanation for the rules on open access applicable to beneficiaries in projects funded or co-funded under Horizon 2020. The guidelines come after the publication of calls for projects under the Horizon 2020, which are worth more than 15 billion euros over the first 2 years. The valuable contribution will be that information from these projects will be freely available.

Summary of the guidelines

* What openness means within the Horizon 2020 context
* Explains the rationale behind open access to research and data with the context of Horizon 2020
* Political reasons for mandating open access
* Explain further details on Open Research Data pilot 2014-15

Keywords OER research · open access · open access publishing · open research data · research policy

ISSNVersion 1.0, 11 December 2013
RefereedDoes not apply
Other informationHorizon 2020
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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