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OER policy development tool
Coolidge, Amanda and DeMarte, Daniel

PublishedAugust 2016
Type of workTool kit
RegionNorth America

The purpose of the OER Policy Development Tool is to promote the use of OER and scale efforts to full OER programs. It is written primarily for governance officials at public two-year colleges in the U.S. and colleges and universities in Canada. The contents of the policy guide are not intended to be prescriptive; contents are intended to be adapted for use according to a college’s culture. The OER Policy Development Tool is organized into three sections including:

OER Policy Assumptions
OER Policy Components
OER Policy Resources

The components of the OER policy section include the following topics that we think decision-makers should consider when developing an institutional OER policy, or when integrating these components into an existing institutional policy:

OER Purpose
OER Policy Statement
Intellectual Property and Licensing OER Content
OER Procedures and Responsibilities
OER Training and Professional Development
OER Course Design
OER Content Development
Sharing OER Content
OER Technical Format
OER Sustainability (college-wide capacity, funding model, tenure)
OER Quality Assurance

Keywords educational policy · higher education · OER policy · tool kit

RefereedDoes not apply
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