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Ressources educatives libres en France: Regards, perspectives et recommandations
Touzé, Sophie and IITE [corporate]

PeriodicalPages 1-106
PublisherInstitut de l’UNESCO pour l’application des technologies de l’information à l’éducation, UNESCO
CountryFrance, Europe

Published atMoscou, Fédération de Russie
RefereedDoes not apply
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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Open educational resources in France: Overview, perspectives and recommendations
Touzé, Sophie; IITE
Match: Touzé, Sophie; IITE; electronic learning; France; Open Educational Resources; Europe

Towards recommending accessible open educational resources
Ben Brahim, Hejer; Khribi, Koutheair; Jemni, Mohamed
Empowering and promoting equitable inclusive open access to online education for all is a concept at the heart of educational development. Nevertheless, most of existing educational delivery systems do not involve ...
Match: electronic learning; Open Educational Resources

Europe regional consultation for the 2nd World OER Congress
Grech, Alex; Kanwar, Asha S.; Banerjee, Indrajit; Makovec, Maja Brenčič; et al.
The Commonwealth of Learning is holding six Regional Consultations in the lead up to the 2nd World Open Educational Resources (OER) Congress, which is scheduled to be held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 18 to 20 September ...
Match: Touzé, Sophie; Europe

Guidelines on the development of open educational resources policies
Miao, Fengchun; Mishra, Sanjaya; Orr, Dominic; Janssen, Ben; et al.
The publication provides guidelines and a systematic approach to develop and implement open educational resources policies in different contexts to achieve the targets of Sustainable Development Goals 4. Using a ...
Match: France

Distance education and its potential for international co-operative education
Frydenberg, J.
This paper summarises some of the major trends in distance education in the first decade of the 21st Century, and explores the implications of these trends for international collaboration among institutions of ...
Match: France; Open Educational Resources

Preliminary Report on the Draft Recommendation Concerning Open Educational Resources (OER)
1. This document is prepared further to 39C/Resolution 44 of the UNESCO General Conference, and a follow-up to ‘the Study on International Collaboration on Open Educational Resources (OER) (201 EX/Decision 9), which ...
Match: France; Europe

UNESCO OER Dynamic Coalition Consultations
Following the adoption of the OER Recommendation in November 2019, UNESCO launched the OER Dynamic Coalition in March 2020. The launch meeting defined a Roadmap for the activities of the Dynamic Coalition. The Coalition ...
Match: France; Europe

Student engagement in massive open online courses
Sinclair, Jane; Kalvala, Sara
Completion rates in massive open online courses (MOOCs) are disturbingly low. Existing analysis has focused on patterns of resource access and prediction of drop-out using learning analytics. In contrast, the ...
Match: electronic learning

Open Educational Resources
Marcus-Quinn, Ann; Diggins, Yvonne
This paper focuses on the significant developments in the area of open education, in particular the role that Open Educational Repositories (OER) can play in higher education, teaching, learning and scholarship. The ...
Match: Open Educational Resources; Europe

Open educational resources
Daksha, Patel; Parsley, Sally
Historically, ‘open education’ has involved making education more accessible, whether by lowering cost or by enabling delivery at a distance. In our technological age, open education has become a global sharing of ...