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Cours en ligne ouverts et massifs : État des lieux et adoption au Canada français: Guide et bilan de l'impact des cours en ligne ouverts et massifs (CLOM) au Canada Francophone
Grégoire, Robert and European Association for Distance Teaching Universities [corporate]

PublishedMarch 2016
PeriodicalPages 1-182
PublisherRéseau d’enseignement francophone à distance du Canada (REFAD)
CountryCanada, North America

Published atMontreal, Quebec
RefereedDoes not apply
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

Canada-Comparing_Institutional_MOOC_strategies.pdf · 3.8MB192 downloads

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Comparing institutional MOOC strategies 2015 country report - Israel: Status report based on a mapping survey conducted in October - December 2015
Kalman, Yoram M.; Jansen, Darco; Goes-Daniels, Miriam; European Association for Distance Teaching Universities; HOME Project
Executive Summary This report details the responses of seven Israeli higher education institutions (HEIs) to survey questions about their MOOC offerings, and compares them to other European HEIs. The surveys show that ...
Match: higher education; mooc; mooc research; oer research

Eight patterns of open textbook adoption in British Columbia
Barker, Jennifer; Jeffery, Ken; Jhangiani, Rajiv; Veletsianos, George
Since the launch of the BC Open Textbook Project in 2012, the adoption of open textbooks has steadily grown within public post-secondary institutions in British Columbia, Canada. An analysis of adoption records over a ...
Match: adoption; canada; higher education; north america

Structuring actions for open educational resources adoption
Wang, Shouhong; Wang, Hai
Open educational resources (OER) are growing over the past decade. While OER can make educational resources widely available to all students and educators for free, OER are still untried by the majority of instructors, ...
Match: adoption; canada; case study; north america

Factors shaping lecturers' adoption of OER at three South African universities
Cox, Glenda; Trotter, Henry; Hodgkinson-Williams, Cheryl; Arinto, Patricia B.
The research presented here focuses on understanding the obstacles, opportunities and practices associated with Open Educational Resources (OER) adoption at three South African universities. It addresses the question: ...
Match: adoption; higher education

What we teach: K-12 school district curriculum adoption process, 2017
Allen, Elaine I.; Seaman, Jeff
Over three-quarters of K-12 districts have made at least one full-course curricula adoption decision over the past three years, with the need to meet changing standards driving most of these decisions, according to the ...
Match: adoption; oer research

The Open Education Resources ecosystem An evaluation of the OER movement’s current state and its progress toward mainstream adoption
The Boston Consulting Group
Since the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation began investing in open education resources in 2002, the field has grown significantly: the past decade has seen an influx of OER and increased awareness and ...
Match: adoption; higher education

Open Educational Resources: Mainstream adoption and educational effectiveness
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
The idea behind OER is simple but powerful—educational materials made freely available on the Internet for anyone to use, distribute, and revise. These digital materials have the potential to give people everywhere ...
Match: adoption

Beyond the pioneering phase: Moving towards the adoption of open education
Schuwer, Robert; Wild, Ulrike; Baas, Marjon; van Hees, Janina; et al.
MIT launched the global Open Educational Resources (OER) movement in 2001. The movement gained a major impetus in 2012 following the emergence of MOOCs: free online courses, often offered by leading research ...
Match: ; adoption; higher education; oer research

Crossing the chasm: A case of scaling adoption of Open Educational Resources to the early majority
Correa, Alma; Perman, Amertah E.; Rivaldi, Matthew; Bulger, Stephanie R.; et al.
Due to the ongoing trend of increased higher education costs, state and federal strategies have been implemented in an effort to lower students' cost of college. One such strategy gaining nationwide attention is the ...
Match: adoption; higher education; north america

Adoption and impact of OER in the Global South
Hodgkinson-Williams, Cheryl; Arinto, Patricia B.
Education in the Global South faces several key interrelated challenges, for which Open Educational Resources (OER) are seen to be part of the solution. These challenges include: unequal access to education; variable ...
Match: adoption; higher education