Development of an online field safety open educational resource using Xerte
Published | December 2015 |
Journal | Planet Pages 1-11 |
Country | United Kingdom, Europe |
AbstractFieldwork is an essential part of degrees in all three GEES disciplines. There is a need not only to prepare students for activities they may be expected to undertake during planned field classes, but also to help students understand the process of risk assessment and recognise their own responsibilities for the health and safety of themselves and others during fieldwork activities. This article reports on the outcomes of a project funded by the HEA-GEES Subject Centre Learning and Teaching Development Fund to use Xerte to develop an online educational resource (OER) on fieldwork safety that would be suitable for use by UK undergraduate students.Keywords | fieldwork · OER · online educational resource · safety · Xerte |
Refereed | Yes |
Rights | © 2014 J. Hill, D. Nicholson and A. Reeves, The Higher Education Academy |
DOI | 10.11120/plan.2014.00007 |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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