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Openness by default
Straumsheim, Carl

PublishedJanuary 2017
PeriodicalEdition January 16, 2017, Volume 2017
PublisherInside Higher Ed

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation becomes the most recent grant-making organization to require recipients to make findings publicly available, a further shift toward transparency in research funding.

Keywords Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation · OER policy · open licensing policy · open textbooks

Other numberFebruary 09, 2017
RefereedDoes not apply
RightsCOPYRIGHT © 2017
Access dateFebruary 09, 2017
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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Choosing principles over publication
Straumsheim, Carl
Psychology instructor withdraws book chapter after refusing to add language that he asserts a publisher demanded but he deemed too flattering to the textbook industry.
Match: straumsheim, carl; open textbooks

The Openness of the university of the Philippines Open University: Issues and prospects
Villamejor-Mendoza, Maria Fe; Gil-Jaurena, Inés
This paper is a self-reflection on the state of openness of the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU). An exploratory and descriptive study, it aims not only to define the elements of openness of UPOU, ...
Match: openness

OpenCases: Case studies on openness in education
Souto-Otero, Manuel; dos Santos, Andreia Inamorato; Shields, Robin; Lažetić, Predrag; et al.
OpenCases is a study which is part of the OpenEdu Project. It is a qualitative study consisting of a review of literature on open education and nine in-depth case studies of higher education institutions, a consortium ...
Match: openness; oer policy

Openness in Education as a Praxis: From Individual Testimonials to Collective Voices
Bozkurt, Aras; Gjelsvik, Torunn; Adam, Taskeen; Asino, Tutaleni I.; et al.
Why is Openness in Education important, and why is it critically needed at this moment? As manifested in our guiding question, the significance of Openness in Education and its immediate necessity form the heart of this ...
Match: openness

Degrees of Openness: The emergence of Open Educational Resources at the University of Cape Town
Hodgkinson-Williams, Cheryl; Gray, Eve
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) provide a range of opportunities to share educational materials and processes in ways that are not yet fully understood. In an extraordinary development, increasing ...
Match: openness

The contribution of openness to transforming education
Nascimbeni, Fabio
Match: openness; open textbooks

e-InfraNet: ‘Open’ as the default modus operandi for research and higher education
van der Vaart, Lilian; van Berchum, Marnix; Bruce, Rachel; Burgess, Maureen; et al.
This policy paper from the e-InfraNet project concerns open approaches for the research and higher education communities across the European Research Area (ERA). It has been produced to provide advice and guidance on ...
Match: default; oer policy

OER on the Asian mega universities: 
Developments, motives, openness, and sustainability
Farisi, Mohammad Imam
The OER movement originated and integrated into ODE developments. Mega Universities (MUs) are among the most important of ODE providers worldwide should be to be the primary organizations for providing access to OER. So ...
Match: openness

Widening access through openness in higher education in the developing world: A Bourdieusian field analysis of experiences from the National Open University of Nigeria
Olakulehin, Felix Kayode; Singh, Gurmit
Bourdieu has argued that higher education is a field that reproduces social inequality, thus complicating how openness widens access to higher education in the developing world. Drawing on the experiences of the ...
Match: openness

The concept of openness behind c and x-MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)
Rodriguez, Osvaldo
The last five years have witnessed a hype about MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) presaging a revolution in higher education. Although all MOOCs have in common their scale and free access, they have already bifurcated ...
Match: openness