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Conceptualizing open educational practices through the lens of constructive alignment
Paskevicius, Michael

PublishedJune 2017
Type of workSelected papers from the Open Education Consortium Global 2017 Conference
JournalOpen Praxis
Volume 9, Issue 2, Pages 125–140
PublisherInternational Council for Open and Distance Education

The act of instruction may be conceptualized as consisting of four elements: learning outcomes, learning resources, teaching and learning activities, and assessments and evaluation. For instructors in higher education, the way they manage the relationships between these elements is what could be considered the core of their instructional practice. For each of the elements, this paper seeks to identify open educational practices, their affordances, and evidence of their utility in supporting the work of teachers in shifting from existing teaching and learning practices to more open educational practices. The literature reviewed and model proposed may provide educational developers or proponents of open education a lens with which to discuss open educational practices with faculty specifically related to their teaching and learning design practices.

Keywords constructive alignment · Creative Commons · educational development · innovation in teaching and learning · open educational practices (OEP) · Open Educational Resources

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