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The future of creative commons
Creative Commons [corporate]

Alternate titleThe future of creative commons- Realizing the value of sharing in a digital world
PublishedJune 2013
Type of workAnnual report and strategy document
PeriodicalPages 1-20
PublisherCreative Commons
RegionNorth America

Creative Commons’ ( latest mission statement, vision, and priorities for action. This document lays out priorities for each area in which they work, including online licences and the development of future tools.

Keywords annual report · copyright · Creative Commons · legal standards · mission statement · online licenses

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OER Mythbusting!
Grodecka, Karolina; Śliwowski, Kamil; Creative Commons
This site has one purpose – to bust myths about Open Educational Resources! There are two parts – a mythbusting guide and a quick introduction to OER. Both will help you find fast, simple and useful answers to ...
Match: Creative Commons; copyright

The power of open
Creative Commons
The world has experienced an explosion of openness. From individual artists opening their creations for input from others, to governments requiring publicly funded works be available to the public, both the spirit and ...
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Un accès payant pour des ressources éducatives en licence Creative Commons : un paradoxe étudié au prisme d’une étude de cas, Faq2Sciences
Cisel, Matthieu; Laudier, Nicolas
Le projet Faq2Sciences porté par l’Université Numérique Thématique Unisciel représente une banque de plusieurs milliers d’exercices en sciences naturelles, mathématiques et informatiques, alimentée par de ...
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South African Institute for Distance Education; OER Africa
This toolkit is aimed at higher education stakeholders who are working with Open Educational Resources (OER). It explains the notion of copyright and describes the different licensing options available to the ...
Match: Creative Commons; copyright

An alternative publishing model for academic textbook authors: Open education and writing commons
Moxley, Joe
Rather than assigning copyright to traditional or even nontraditional publishers for 5 to 15% of royalties, faculty can be their own publishers and own all of their materials – subject to institutional copyright ...
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OER and open licenses: The dual-pub solution
Bissell, Ahrash N.
OER are teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license that permits their free use or re-purposing by others. The global standard ...
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Creating and sharing Open Educational Resources
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Free learning: Essays on open educational resources and copyright
Downes, Stephen
There is a story to be told about open source, open content, and open learning from the point of view of the person desiring access to these things, rather than from the point of view of the provider. This book is a ...
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Realising the open in open educational resources: Practical concerns and solutions
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Open content licencing (OCL) for Open Educational Resources
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Match: Creative Commons; copyright