The HumBox Project: Final Report
Dickens, Alison · Borthwick, Kate · Richardson, Sara · Lavendar, Lisa · Mossley, David · Gawthrope, Jane · Lucas, Brett
Published | April 2010 |
Periodical | Pages 1-49 |
Publisher | Joint Information Systems Committee |
Language | eng |
Rights | by/3.0 |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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The Community Café: creating and sharing open educational resources with community-based language teachers
Borthwick, Kate; Dickens, Alison
The Community Café project ran from 2010 – 2011 and was a collaboration between Southampton City Council and two universities in the UK. The project’s aim was to create, publish online and share a collection of ...
Match: dickens, alison; borthwick, kate
Comparing institutional MOOC strategies: Status report based on a mapping survey conducted in October - December 2015
Jansen, Darco; Goes-Daniels, Miriam; HOME Project; European Association for Distance Teaching Universities
This report presents the results of a MOOC survey amongst higher education institutions (HEIs) with a strong focus on Europe and Canada. The survey was conducted in the fourth quarter of 2015. The results of this survey ...
Match: report
The development of MOOCs: Irish country report
Costello, Eamon; Brown, Mark; HOME Project; European Association for Distance Teaching Universities
This paper summarises the Irish response to the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) movement through integrating a number of data sources, including the findings from a recent institutional survey. In reflecting on the ...
Match: report
Comparing institutional MOOC strategies 2015 country report - Israel: Status report based on a mapping survey conducted in October - December 2015
Kalman, Yoram M.; Jansen, Darco; Goes-Daniels, Miriam; European Association for Distance Teaching Universities; HOME Project
Executive Summary
This report details the responses of seven Israeli higher education institutions (HEIs) to survey questions about their MOOC offerings, and compares them to other European HEIs. The surveys show that ...
Match: report
Comparing institutional MOOC strategies 2015- Czech Republic report: Status report based on a mapping survey conducted in October – December 2015
Rohlíková, Lucie; Rohlík, Ondřej; Jansen, Darco; Goes-Daniels, Miriam; et al.
Executive Summary
Institutional MOOC involvement
Czech HEIs are mostly still in the process of finding their way to their own MOOC courses. The Czech Association of Distance Teaching Universities (ČADUV) at the ...
Match: report
Authorship and use of OER as academic practice for research
Highton, Melissa
Melissa’s project ran from 20th September 2010 until the 18th September 2011, the aim of the project was to examine policy and practice for OER creation in the context of research led institutions: ...
Match: report
TOETOE tɔɪtɔɪ Technology for Open English – Toying with Open E-resources
Fitzgerald, Alannah
Alannah’s project ran from 11th January 2011 until the 1st May 2012, the aim of the project was to look at uses for research corpora in developing OER for academic English language teaching and learning. Along with ...
Match: report
Investigating the use of Open Educational Resources among early-career university lecturers
Reedy, Gabriel
Gabriel’s project ran from 2nd January 2011 until the 31st December 2011, the aim of the project was to explore in some depth the ways in which OERs could be used in traditional university settings for innovative ...
Match: report
The practical sandpit
Hatherly, Paul
Paul’s project ran from 1st October 2010 until the 30th September 2011, the aim of the project was to examine and develop means by which virtual laboratory resources can be rapidly created by HE practitioners, ...
Match: report
STEM@1000mph: Developing Open Educational Resources in a live engineering project
Lanham, John; Howard, Yvonne; Drew, Ben; Johns, Dan
Higher education institutions are recognising the clear benefits of open educational resources, and academics are engaging with the development of these resources. This paper presents a case study of OERs being ...
Match: project