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Indiana educators benefitting from state's commitment to OER
EdScoop Staff [corporate]

Published7 December 2017
Type of workYouTube interview
Publisheredscoop, Scoop News Group
CountryUnited States, North America

Candice Dodson describes the work Indiana has done to promote openly licensed digital resources during an interview with EdScoop TV.

Keywords Amazon Inspire · INeLearn · OER curation · openly licensed digital material · professional development · Rockstars of Curation

Published atWashington, D.C
RefereedDoes not apply
RightsCopyright 2018 Edscoop. All rights reserved.
Access date3/15/2018
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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Behind one group of educators' role in the Amazon Inspire relaunch
Tate, Emily
A team of educators in Indiana stood by Amazon Education as the tech giant spent the past year retooling its digital content repository.
Match: amazon inspire; rockstars of curation; united states; north america

Letter to President Obama Calling for OER Policy Commitment
Match: commitment; united states; north america

Open educational resources: From commitment to action
Three documents have been developed in the framework of the 2nd World OER Congress. The two documents: Open Educational Resources: From Commitment to Action and the Open Educational Resources: Global Report 2017 provide ...
Match: commitment; professional development

Amazon relaunches Inspire after a year of re-tooling
Tate, Emily
The content repository offers tens of thousands of downloadable educational resources. The "upload and share" feature is expected to follow soon.
Match: amazon inspire; united states; north america

K-12 OER collaborative implementation study final report
K12 Handhelds
The purpose of this project was to look at the adoption and implementation of K-12 core instructional materials in math and English Language Arts (ELA) and to explore business models for the successful and sustainable ...
Match: professional development; united states; north america

United States: State department expands access to open educational resources in the Middle East and North Africa
Mena Report
The U.S. Department of State is sponsoring a special exchange program on Open Educational Resources (OER) for education leaders in the Middle East and North Africa. Open Educational Resources are ...
Match: united states; north america

Value of open microcredentials to earners and issuers: A case study of National Instruments Open Badges
Young, Danny; West, Richard Edward; Nylin, Travis Ann
While microcredentials and open digital badges have become increasingly popular in education, more research is needed to better understand their implementation and benefits to both issuers and users. In this paper, we ...
Match: professional development; united states; north america

OER reaches ‘inflection point,’ and states are leading the charge
Tate, Emily
Special report: Changes in policy, perception and technology are propelling Indiana, Michigan, Utah, Washington and other states to build digital libraries for open educational resources.
Match: amazon inspire; united states; north america

Free textbooks gain support among campus tech leaders
Wexler, Ellen
COLLEGE TECHNOLOGY officials appear more optimistic these days about open-source textbooks and open educational resources –teaching and learning materials that can be used at no cost. According to the latest ...
Match: united states; north america

OER for inclusive and equitable quality education: From commitment to action
Kanwar, Asha; Mishra, Sanjaya; Abeywardena, Ishan S
Presented by Professor Asha Kanwar, President & CEO, Commonwealth of Learning, Dr. Sanjaya Mishra, COL, and Dr. Ishan Abeywardena, COL, at the Asia Open Educational Resources Regional Consultation, 1 December 2016, ...
Match: commitment; north america