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Book Review: Open educational resources: An Asian perspective, edited by Gajaraj Dhanarajan and David Porter
Cannell, Pete

Type of workBook Review
JournalBritish Journal of Educational Technology
Pages 26

This book provides an up to date review of the higher education production and use of oer across Asia. It forms a valuable resource if you have a specific interest in the development of Open Education around the world but it also provides very useful background for broader issues around the development and use of oer. If the content of this book is likely to be relevant to you, I recommend that you arrange to borrow a copy for a while or, better, download your own copy.

Keywords book review · books

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Free open online resources in workplace and community settings – a case study on overcoming barriers
Cannell, Pete; Macintyre, Ronald
This paper explores whether, in the light of ubiquitous digital technology and the availability of free online courses, it is helpful to revisit well-established understandings of the barriers facing non-traditional ...
Match: Cannell, Pete

Widening access and OER: developing new practice
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Open Educational Resources (OER) are widely viewed as having the potential to open up access to educational opportunities at all levels. However, issues of access, openness and free use are complex and contested. The ...
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Opening Educational Practices in Scotland (OEPS)
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OEPS is a cross-sector project led by the Open University in Scotland (OUiS) and funded by the Scottish Funding Council. The project began in late spring 2014 and runs until the end of July 2017. It has its origins in ...
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Lifelong learning and partnerships: rethinking the boundaries of the university in the digital age
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Higher education (HE) in Scotland has some very specific characteristics: a relatively small number of HE institutions (HEIs), nineteen at the time of writing; a strong college sector, which makes a significant ...
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Book Review: Open educational resources: Innovation, research and practice
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Book review: Open education: From OERs to MOOCs
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The specific focus of this edited book is to point out the core policies, initiatives and international practices of Distance Education in connection with open and free accessed resources. The book aims to provide a ...
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Book Review: Shank, John D., Interactive open educational resources: a guide to finding, choosing, and using what's out there to transform college teaching.
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Shank, John D. Interactive open educational resources: a guide to finding, choosing, and using what's out there to transform college teaching. Jossey-Bass, 2014. 176p bibl index ISBN 9781118277454 pbk, $38.00 ...
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A guide to using Open Educational Resources in marketing education
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Open and distance education in global environment: Opportunities for collaboration
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Distance education system in India has undergone many stages and phases of evolution before it really reached the stage of what is called open education, ICT-enabled education and global education. During these phases, ...
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