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What's the "problem" with MOOCs?
Holton, Doug

Published4 May 2012
CountryUnited States, North America

RefereedDoes not apply
RightsAttribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States (CC BY-SA 3.0 US)
Access date2018
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Teaching Massive, Open, Online, Courses (MOOCs): Tales from the front line
Lowenthal, Patrick; Snelson, Chareen; Perkins, Ross
Very little research has been conducted about what it is like to teach a MOOC. Given this, a mixed methods study, involving a survey of 186 MOOC instructors and 15 follow-up interviews, was conducted to explore the ...
Match: instructional design; United States; North America

Learning to learn online: A MOOC with a difference
Cleveland-Innes, Martha; Parker, Nancy K; Ostashewski, Nathaniel; Wilton, Daniel
Overview of papers on enhancement of European Higher Education as presented during the Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference in Rome, October 2016 This research identifies the relationship between ...
Match: instructional design; North America

Meaningful learner information for MOOC instructors examined through a contextualized evaluation framework
Douglas, Kerrie; Zielinski, Mitchell; Merzdorf, Hillary; Diefes-Dux, Heidi; Bermel, Peter
Improving STEM MOOC evaluation requires an understanding of the current state of STEM MOOC evaluation, as perceived by all stakeholders. To this end, we investigated what kinds of information STEM MOOC instructors ...
Match: United States; North America

Motivating students in massive open online courses (MOOCs) using the attention, relevance, confidence, satisfaction (ARCS) model
Li, Kun; Moore, David Richard
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) often have low persistence rates, which may be attributed to a learners' lack of motivation. In this design-based research study, Keller's Attention, Relevance, Confidence, ...
Match: United States; North America

A case study of work-based learning through the design of edX MOOCs for Latin America and the Caribbean
Freire, Fabian
This exploratory case study analyzed the reported learning experiences among the multidisciplinary practitioners employed in the development of edX courses for a pioneering MOOC program targeted at Latin America and ...
Match: United States; North America

OER can lower the cost of higher ed - but only if 4 steps are taken
Costantini, Cheryl
OER alone won’t drive transformative change to the learning experience. So how can companies and publishers add value for education?
Match: instructional design; United States; North America

Instructional quality of massive open online courses: A review of attitudinal change MOOCs
Watson, William R.; Watson, Sunnie Lee; Janakiraman, Shamila
This study builds on prior research regarding attitudinal learning MOOCs, and a study examining the quality of MOOCs based on adherence to the first principles of instruction. Nine MOOCs designed for attitudinal ...
Match: instructional design; United States; North America

Awarding college credit for MOOCs: The role of the American Council on Education
Stone, Jason E.
Emerging alongside the open educational resources movement of the past decade, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have been widely heralded as advancing cause of providing increased access to higher education. The ...
Match: instructional design; United States; North America

Awareness and usage of MOOCs: The underrepresented experience
Houston, Tyreek
MOOC's (Massive Open Online Courses) allow individuals to expand boundaries, enrolling massive numbers of students with potential quality learning materials and resources that may not otherwise exist in underserved ...
Match: United States; North America

Massive Open Online Course instructor motivations, innovations, and designs: Surveys, interviews, and course reviews
Zhu, Meina; Bonk, Curtis; Sari, Annisa
This mixed methods study explores instructor motivations for offering massive open online courses (MOOCs) as well as the instructional innovations used to enhance the MOOC design. The researchers surveyed 143 MOOC ...
Match: United States; North America