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MOOC in Latin America: Implementation and lessons learned
Rizzardini, Rocael Hernández · Gütl, Christian · Chang, Vanessa · Morales, Miguel

PublishedAugust 2013
ConferenceThe 2nd International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education in Cloud
SeriesSpringer Proceedings in Complexity
Pages 147-158
PublisherSpringer Netherlands
EditorsUden, Lorna · Tao, Yu-Hui · Yang, Hsin-Chang · Ting, I-Hsien
CountryGuatemala, Austria, Australia, South America

A critical review on MOOCs is provided in this paper. A discussion on the different types of MOOCs and the design of a MOOC learning experience in South America forms the basis of this paper. The MOOC presented utilized cloud-based tools for deployment of the learning activities. Findings on usability, emotional and motivation aspects from 143 participants who had completed the MOOC course are discussed in this paper. Restrictions to pre-selected cloud-based tools and communication channels as well as guidance provided to the participants revealed positive learners' attitudes on usability, emotional and motivation aspects.

Keywords cloud-based tools · cMOOC · collaborative learning · massive open online course · xMOOC

Published atKaohsiung, Taiwan
Rights© Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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