The future of open libraries: Open Educational Resources and the universal library initiative
Published | 2009 |
Journal | Open and Libraries Class Journal Volume 1, Issue 2 |
Country | United States, North America |
Institutions and non-profit organizations have produced open courseware initiatives and search engines for the use of their communities and the world at large. Libraries of all types have slowly begun to do the same. This paper discusses the current state of open educational resources and the potential of a universal over-arching initiative containing materials produced for and by libraries. The author discusses this initiative's potential materials, users, layout, and sustainability. The author concludes with the belief that granted the appropriate and adequate planning, funding and membership, this sort of initiative is plausible in the future.Keywords | libraries · OpenCourseWare |
Language | eng |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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The Common Core State Standards Initiative and its impact on OER
Bristow, Sara Frank
This case study, Deliverable 2 of SharedOER, examines the recent development of Open Educational Resources (OER) and syllabi within the context of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in the United States. It analyses ...
Match: initiative; united states; north america
Open educational resources and the Belt and Road initiative
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With the rapid advance of technologies, new ways of learning have emerged. One of these ways is open learning using Open Educational Resources (OERs). Several researchers have then reported several advantages of using ...
Match: initiative
Accreditation of prior learning as a lever for lifelong learning: Lessons learnt from the New Opportunities Initiative, Portugal
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The book gives an account of the research conducted in the independent evaluation of the New Opportunities Initiative (NOI), one of the largest Portuguese governmental programmes in recent decades to upgrade ...
Match: initiative
The open learning initiative: Enacting instruction online
Strader, Ross; Thille, Canadace; Oblinger, Diana. G.
New technologies are often used to replicate current systems, without much thought given to how the affordances of the technology can help design a better system. Higher education has been particularly guilty of this ...
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Where is research on massive open online courses headed? A data analysis of the MOOC Research Initiative
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This paper reports on the results of an analysis of the research proposals submitted to the MOOC Research Initiative (MRI) funded by the Gates Foundation and administered by Athabasca University. The goal of MRI was to ...
Match: initiative
Participant experiences and financial impacts: Findings from year 2 of achieving the dream’s OER degree initiative
Griffiths, Rebecca; Gardner, Shari; Lundh, Patrik; Shear, Linda; et al.
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The journey of SWAYAM: India MOOCs initiative
Kanjilal, Uma; Kaul, Pradeep
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Match: initiative
OER at scale: The academic and economic outcomes of Achieving the Dream’s OER Degree Initiative
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The research and evaluation of ATD’s OER Degree Initiative provided encouraging evidence regarding the academic outcomes of students who enrolled in multiple OER courses, the economic impacts for both students and ...
Match: initiative; united states; north america
University students and faculty have positive perceptions of open/ alternative resources and their utilization in a textbook replacement initiative
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Match: initiative; united states; north america
The Project Kaleidoscope Open Course Initiative at Mercy College, New York, USA
McGreal, Rory
Participants from the original seven partner institutions of KOCI soon realized that developing courses from scratch would be too time-consuming, as this requires months of negotiation with curriculum committees at each ...
Match: initiative; united states; north america