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Open massive gamification
Feliz, Tiberio

PublishedMay 2018
Type of workWebinar

A critical analysis of MOOCs didactics should reflect that the learning process is quite unimaginative, transmissive, and mechanical. Effectively, most MOOCs are displaying quite simple learning processes. Nevertheless, a simple teaching style doesn’t mean that it’s a boring learning way. Gamification provides new opportunities to motivate, incite, and engage learners. We are explaining specific strategies based on three dimensions: the teacher, the learner, and means. We invite providers, designers, teachers, tutors, and creative people to reflect about.

Questions to be discussed:

Which kind of didactical methodology is usually used in MOOCs?
How could we use gamification by a scalable way in MOOCs?
How could we design gamification strategies based on teachers in MOOCs?
How could we design gamification strategies based on learners in MOOCs?
How could we design gamification strategies based on means in MOOCs?

Keywords gamification · MOOC scalability · webinar

RightsAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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